Chapter 7

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15 years later.....

"Hey, Sophie. How was your day?" You asked her as you picked her up after school from her friends house in Friday.

"It was good. I miss Jacob." She said.

"I know, baby. But it's a hard time for him. You know that." You said. You knew about the case. Andy had told you everything.

For some reason you had faith that Jacob didn't do it.

"Can I meet him this weekend?" Sofia asked.

"I'll have to ask Andy, sweetie. Why don't you tell me what you want for dinner?" You asked your daughter.

"Okay. How about spaghetti?"

"Spaghetti it is." You chuckled. It was her favourite dish to eat. Just like Andy's. He loves spaghetti.

You could now see the resemblance in her and Andy. She had your hair but Andy's eyes and attitude. Someone would think she was his daughter for sure.

You arrived home and turned the park in the car in the driveway when Sofia nudged you. "What?" You said and she pointed at the front door. You looked at the direction and saw Andy and Jacob standing at the door with duffle bags. You parked the car and got out with Sofia. "Come on." You said as you made your way to the front door and greeted Andy and Jacob. "Hey boys. What are you doing here?" You asked them as you opened the door and entered, the others following behind you.

"I need to ask you something." Andy said as he removed his coats and helped you out of yours and hanged it in the closet and you both went in the living room, sitting on the couch.

"Ask away." You said. "Hey, could you kids go and sit in the kitchen? We'll be right there." You said as they both nodded and went in the kitchen. "What is it, Andy?" You asked. You knew something was wrong.

"Laurie wants divorce." Andy said in a low voice.

"What? Why?" You asked.

"You remember the last month when we went to the lake for our anniversary?" Andy asked. You nodded in response. "She asked me where we went and what we did as we reached home later than supposed to." He sighed and continued. "She has always asked me what we do, but I never tell her as we promised each other. But she doesn't understand that it is our day and that we want to keep it to ourselves." He yelled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to." He apologized.

"It's okay." You said.

Andy nodded, "I didn't tell her this time as well and........" He trailed off.

"And what?"

"She accused me of cheating on her with you." Andy said.

You were shocked at what you heard. How could Laurie accuse him like that? Andy had done nothing but love her. "Why did she?"

"I don't know. We were already late when I dropped you home. I went straight home after that. Then we had had a fight because she thought I was cheating on her with you. She asked me again when I came home late yesterday from work. She thought I was with you. But I didn't tell her. She got angry and accused me." Andy said as he remembered the fight he had with Laurie.

"Where were you?" Laurie asked as Andy removed his coat and came in the kitchen.

"I was working Laurie." Andy said as he filled the glass of water and drank it.

"You were with her, weren't you?" Laurie yelled.

"What?" Andy asked turning around to face Laurie.

Complicated ~ Andy BarberWhere stories live. Discover now