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our teammates came to the house for our graduation ceremony.

the twins & i have white caps and gowns on, our teammates dressed nice.

our mom spoke a little, our dad spoke a little, i spoke as i was valedictorian, & the twins shared salutatorian.

"well swag learning high school class of 2019, our time has come," i laughed at our schools name me and twins called it "we learned in our homes, cars, rink side, and the study rooms at the facility. we walked the hallway one final time to ask for help from each other. we did it together but somehow i still have a better gpa than both of you. as i wrote this speech all i could think of is our memories together, so im gonna share some now. i remember sitting in a live class, being taught by a real person, with real classmates, when korbin walked by and ripped one...that was the last time i did live classes at the table. i remember kendalls failed science experiments, including the great cookie fail, were all he had to do was make cookies & explain the science behind making cookies except this kid took it one step farther and made them from scratch, using salt instead of sugar and somehow doubled the recipe for the salt that was supposed to be sugar. lastly the story of how our mother almost put us back in public school." i said

the twins started laughing already knowing the story that i was going to tell.

"korbin & kendall are identical twins. now that we are older, a slight height difference & hairstyles make them stand apart, not when we were 15. end of the school year, big test, all live & recorded. i was good at math & history, kendall was good in english & science, korbin was good at making lunch." i said "so when we got our testing schedules we noticed that korbins math test was at a different time than mine & kendalls, so korbin made a plan where he would pay kendall to take the test for him, kendall said yes to the money & i had to stand guard for when mom was around. she knew our testing schedules & she knows how to tell the twins apart. so when korbin was in the kitchen while kendal was doing his test she knew, but she still questioned us, but went on with her day. a few days later she got our scores, korbins being the exact same as kendalls. she had us sitting at the kitchen island, questioning us. and ill never forget her starting question, korbin how did you make that grade?, the jig was up. but somehow i got thrown under the bus when it was confession time. she threatened that if we pulled that again we would be put in public school, removing us from hockey. lets just say we all did our own test after that. now to finish this is, i would like to thank our principals, mom & dad i hope you know how blessed you are to have 3 comedians! for real tho, we thank you for everything youve done for us, including our love for hockey."

they clapped as our mom got up, "thank you katie. now for your diplomas. katherine joanna reid." i got up hugged my mom & dad, grabbed my diploma and took a picture. my teammates cheered

"kendall tate reid"

"korbin duke reid"

"okay, swag learning high school class of 2019, you may move your tassle from left to right. congratulations!" mom said before we threw our caps in the air.

we found our friends and took lots of pictures before eating dessert together.

growing up i always focused on senior year, how fun & crazy it was going to be in illinois. i didnt know i would be homeschooled & graduating in front of my teammates from around the country.

but i wouldn't change this...well maybe i would change it to having owen here.

i soaked up those last few moments sitting at the kitchen island with the twins, doing work. sitting in the hallway at the house because thats were the wifi worked the best. & us passing our notes round to help each other out.

now im soaking up these last few months with the girls at the program.

so long senior year. you were good, you were crazy, you were so kind to me.



Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

swag learning high school, peace out

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

swag learning high school, peace out. THE TRIPLETS GRADUATED!


@kendallreid22 gonna miss raising hell with you two in english😪

@korbinreid44 will the cafeteria still be open?
   @katiereid88 no & i ate your leftovers

@owenpower_ ❤️‍🔥🎓


forever & always.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz