✧ Chapter 4 ✧

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     Rainbow Dash couldn't go to sleep. She held herself tight like her life depended on it and drowned in her thoughts. She stared at the posters hung on her wall, along with the white popcorn ceiling above her, trying to avoid thinking about what she had just read a few minutes prior. She tried to think about everything else.

When that didn't do much, she looked at the time, and the red bold numbers, noticing that an hour had passed. It was now near 4. When the thoughts kept lingering, and the ache in her stomach felt like she was being punched over and over again, she got up.

Rainbow figured getting dressed early would keep her mind off things. As she stretched, she grabbed her phone and walked over to her vanity. She lingered in a still position for a moment to view her reflection. To put it in an understated way, she looked like shit. Her hair was knotted, and her face looked like it wanted to release mountains of tears, while her facial expression didn't help either.

She groaned, avoiding the mirror while taking her toothbrush and slathering on some toothpaste. After brushing her teeth until her gums hurt, she rinsed out her mouth and then walked over to her shower head and turned on the shower. While the water heated up, she couldn't help but glance at herself once more. 'C'mon Rainbow, what is happening? This isn't you. Suck it up loser, look your best. -the harsh inner voice became slightly softer- You always do.' She gulped once, before undressing and stepping into the shower stall.

After washing her face, and shampooing her hair until it was extremely soft, Rainbow made sure to condition her hair thoroughly, while brushing out the knots with her slender hands. After a minute, she rinsed out all the hair products and shut off the water. She opened the curtain slightly and reached for the light blue towel that was hanging on the wall. When she was done wrapping it around her athletic body, she stepped out of the shower onto the cold floor, and walked back over to her vanity, white grabbing her comb. She brushed out her multicolored hair, focusing on the matted parts. While doing that, she dumped a little bit of leave-in conditioner in her palm and spread it towards the ends of her long, and (now) sleek, rainbow hair.

When she was done combing her head full of hair she made her way to her closet and picked out a pair of gray sweatpants that had a lightning bolt embedded on the left front pocket. Instead of the lightning being yellow, it was rainbow, matching her hair perfectly. She then picked out a black spaghetti-strap tank top, a gray sports bra, and underwear. She moved her hair out of the way, dropped the towel, and then pulled on her clothes.

She rolled her eyes once she realized she needed socks, and bent down to her undergarments drawer to get a pair. She unfolded them and slid them on, while half walking/half hopping to her bed to get her backpack. She reached down, grabbed it, and then walked out of her room.

Once she arrived at the dining area she plopped her backpack down by the table and made her way to the kitchen cabinets. She picked out a few protein bars, then shut the cabinet and made her way to the refrigerator across the kitchen. After, she opened the fridge and bent down, looking at each food item before settling for two bottles of water. Closing the fridge with her right leg, she carried all of the items to the table, shoving two out of three bars in her bag and placing a water bottle in one of her backpack pockets. She then sat down at the table and ate a bar, before wiping her mouth with her hand and chugging down the other bottle of water.

After throwing the bottle and wrapper away, she checked the time that was displayed on the coffee machine. It was now 5:12, nowhere near 7. She sighed and made her way back to her room going straight to the small bookshelf she put up on her own. She picked out two Daring Do books, and sat down on the white carpet near her bed while opening one of the novels to read. She thought that she'd pass some time by reading one of her favorite novels since it was still early.

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