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The kettle whistles and loki pours the water over the tea bags. "honey?" He asks. I look at him confused. "would you like honey in your tea?" He asks again. "oh, right, uh, sure? I've never had honey with green tea before." I say.

"well then, you are definitely going to try it today, it's very good!" They say excitedly. After tea and snacks, we start heading back towards the rooms. "would you like to be in my room or yours?" Loki asks. "Your probably, mine is a mess." I say.

We walk back to lokis room and he puts his tea and plate on the night stand, I do the same. Loki pulls over another small side table from beside his desk. "here, now we can put a laptop on the night stand if we want to watch anything." He says.

The tea is amazing. We just sit and talk for what could've been an hour, then we decide to watch a show on his laptop. He told me it was about a modern day prince at a boarding school, I think it was called young royals? I don't remember much past the second episode.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because I open my eyes and see thor trying to take a picture on his cell phone. I ignore it and close my eyes again. When I hear him leave the room I sit up and look to see loki peacefully asleep next to where I just was.

I pause the show and leave a quick note on his night stand. "out for some fresh air, be back soon :)" I get up and quietly sneak out of the room so I don't wake him up. I decide to head up to the roof, the normal way this time.

I sit with my back leaning against the guard rail. It's hard to hold back tears, I don't know why but I just start to cry. Everything that's happened this last week, aunt may, my eating disorder, my self harm, all of the stress comes bubbling up to the surface all at once.  

Perfect time to be on a roof by yourself.

Shut up. I take a deep breath and try to push the thoughts away, that only makes them worse. The hunger pains hit me again and I decide to lay on my back.

I close my eyes and just breathe, and listen to the world around me.

That's when it hear what sounds like a car crash. I turn around too look and see a guy in a giant rinho robot looking thing in the middle of the street. I rush back to my room and lock my door behind me.

I rush to put on my spiderman suit and web shooters before opening my window and climbing out. I'll probably get in trouble for sneaking out again but making sure everyone is safe takes priority. Somehow, by the time I swing out of the alleyway iron man, Wanda and cap are already there.

"oh great, another vigilantie." Wanda says sarcasticly. "really? Where?" I joke, landing beside her. "I am unstopabble!" The man in the robot says with a thick Russian accent. "I doubt that." Mr.stark says. The ruasian man just laughs.

I try to swing around him but he grabs the webbing and uses it to slam me into the ground. I barely have time to move before he tries to slam his fist down on my face, I manage to roll out of the way and swing away.

Mr.stark immediately starts trying to blast the guy, cap is yelling at people to get away, Wanda is keeping rubble from hitting anyone before they can get away. The guy in the rinho suit tries to grab mr.stark but misses, then tries to smash cap, which is blocked by wanda pushing him back about 10 feet.

I see an old man crouched down, trying to reach  a cat under a dumpster. I swing over and move the dunpster, the old man picks up the cat and starts to run away. The rinho tries to grab the man, but I get in the way. It tears off half of my mask, rips the suit across my torso, and explodes my right web shooter. I get knocked back, but seem otherwise unhurt.

With me as a distraction, mr stark is able to get a shot in that hits him right in the power source. The machine shuts down and cap pins down the man inside before he can run away. I use my only web shooter to wed the guys hands, feet, and mouth after he starts shouting. "you look very familiar, spiderman..." Wanda says, looking at my face.

"weird, anyway, bye!" I say before swinging away as quickly as I can with only one web shooter. I don't get very far before I have to stop, I'm tired, my arm hurts, my suit is ruined, my chest and cheek are both bleeding, and swinging with only one web makes my arm feel like its about to pop out of its socket.  

I find a roof to sit on and take off my mask, or what's left of it anyways. I take off the broken web shooter and throw it on down next to me. I'll have to make a new one, that one is completely ruined. I use my suit hoodie to wipe the blood off of my cest and face.

I look at my mask to see if I'd be able to sew it up myself. I barely notice Mr.stark landing on the roof in front of me. I look up at him, paniced.

Fuck, he wasn't supposed to find out, not like this.

"are you oka- Peter?" He says as he opens the suit and steps out. I take a step back crush the old webshooter under my foot. Its definitely broken now. "I can explain!" I say. Mr.stark runs towards me and grabs my shoulders.

"oh my god, you're bleeding, are you hurt any where else? Did you hit your head?" He asks, sounding just as paniced as me. "I'm fine, they're not that deep." I say. "thank god...Why didn't you tell me sooner? Do you have any idea how irresponsible that was? You could've gotten hurt, or worse!" He says.

He doesn't give me a chance to say anything before he continues. "are you sure you're okay, you're bleeding, that cut is like a foot wide!" He says. "I'm fine, I promise, its not that bad." I say. "I'm taking you back and we are going straight to the medbay." He says.

Once again he doesn't give me time to speak. He turns around an gets back in his suit before gently picking me up and flying back to the tower. We land on a balcony and he puts me down before stepping put of his suit. He drags me to the medbay. Bucky walks in and has Friday scan me. I get nervous that the system will pick up on my arm.

"currently detecting 3 untreated cuts. Location: right cheek, chest, chest. Suggested treatment, face. Wound closure, anti-septic and gauze. Suggested treatment, chest. Stitches, anti-septic, gauze. Suggested treatment, chest, wound closure, anti-septic, gauze." The system says over the speakers.

"tony, maybe you should go. Stitches aren't always easy to watch." Bucky says. "right, I'll be in the kitchen." Mr.stark says before leaving the room. "hoodie." Bucky says, holding out his hand. "what?" I ask. "give me your hoodie so I can get you patched up." He says.

"right." I say. I take off my hoodie and I can tell bucky noticed the fresh gauze on my arm. He sighs and picks up a box of would closures before starting to patch up my chest and face. "so the super dangerous vigilantie spiderman is the same kid who wouldn't hurt a fly?" Bucky jokes.

"yeah, I guess so." I laugh. "this is the first time I've gotten hurt this badly in a fight, I mean its not that bad but I've never needed stitches." I say. "from the looks of the scars on your shoulders, you probably did and never got them." Bucky says.

He finishes bandaging me up and wraps my chest is extra wide gauze before handing me my sweater again. As I try to put the sweater back on, loki comes running into the room holding a big zip up hoodie. "Are you alright? They said your were hurt, that you got hit in the chest." Loki says worriedly.

"I'm okay, really, I just can't get my sweater back on." I say with my arms tangled in the sweater. No one warns you that stitches on your chest makes your range of motion really small.

"right, that's why I have this, it'll probably be easier to put on." He says. Loki takes the sweater from me and helps me put on the hoodie and zip it. "tony wants to talk to you kiddo, he's worried about you." Bucky says. "right, I'll go talk to him, where is he?" I ask. "kitchen." Bucky says.

A/n now tony knows! So does most of the team lol

a million times over againOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora