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The last bell of the day rings. I collect my things as quickly as I can and shove them into my backpack. I fall into the crowd of people as we all shuffle out of the front doors of the building.

I get on the subway back, taking the same route I always do. I go through security like usual until the woman at the front desk gets my attention.

"your name badge isn't up here, did something happen?" She asks. "yeah," I walk towards the front desk. "my aunt passed away recently, and Mr.stark was kind enough to offer me a spare room in the building." I explain.

Having worked here for a year, I know most of the people who work at the front desk. I know some better than others.

There's Anthony, who has short black hair and always keeps a bowl of Mexican candy on his desk, Sasha, who has new hair every other week and snake bite piercings, then there's Lindsay, the one working the front desk now, she barely ever works when I'm coming in from school, I think she just covers people's shifts.

Anthony and Sasha haven't mentioned anything when I'm coming in or leaving, so I think Mr.stark filled them in on the situation. He must not have told Lindsay.

"oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. You're free to head on up." Lindsay says. "thank you, have a nice day." I smile at her and head back towards the elevators. "penthouse, please." I say. "of course, peter" the female voice cheerily.

I step into the elevator and go to the main room. no one else is in there. I put my bag down next to the couch and fall into the sofa face first. I turn my head to the side so I can breathe and take a moment to myself. I close my eyes for a split second and immediately fall asleep.

I wake up to Mr.stark putting a blanket over me. I sit up and rub my eyes. "what?" I say. "what time is it?" I ask. "morning kiddo, it's 5:30, you were out for a while." he says. "you mean afternoon." I say, jokingly. I notice a cup of what looks like coffee sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

Mr.stark laughs to himself. "you must've been pretty tired, you fell asleep in your shoes." he says. I nod. "long day?" he asks. "same as usual, I just couldn't really focus on anything, y'know? I don't know why but today was just... just um... hard! yeah, that's the word, Jesus I'm forgetting English now." I laugh at myself towards the end.

"don't go all Russian on me kid, I don't know what you're sayin'" he jokes. "right, I think I just to wake up a little more." I say. "okay, I'll be in the lab if you want to hang out." he says. I smile at him and nod. he messes up my hair and goes towards the elevator.

I fold the blanket and put it neatly in the corner of the couch. I take my phone out of my school bag and check my texts. nothing. I put my phone in my back pocket and decide to get some fresh air, with web-shooters this time.

I take my backpack and the cup of coffee to my room. I throw my backpack in the corner and put the coffee on my nightstand. I drink the coffee as quickly as I can while I put on my spiderman suit. I clip on my web-shooters and open my window. I swing out over the city.

the patrol goes the same as it usually does, stop a few muggings, pet every stray cat I find, help people carry in groceries, and perch on a building. I originally wanted to sit on top of stark towers, but I'd probably get found out instantly and Mr.stark would probably kick me out.

I decide on the nearest tall building, I think it's an insurance office or something, who knows. I take off the spider man mask and run my fingers through my hair. the wind blows in my face with a cold breeze, it's nice. it's peaceful.

in the distance, I hear what sounds almost like jets, not the planes but the engines. knowing how close I am to Stark tower, I put on my mask as quickly as I can. I take a deep breath and try to convince myself that it's fine, even if Mr.stark was out in his suit right now, he'd probably be off to some threat more important than a teenager helping people carry in groceries.

my first instinct was right, I hear metal clink behind me and turn around to see iron man standing there. I get up to swing away but before I can go he says "Woah Woah, hold on, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to know who you are".

"those are basically the same thing for me," I say, joking. he doesn't laugh. "if I know who you are I can help you, get you a safer suit, better webs, a more comfortable costume" he offers. "it's a little more complicated than that." I say.

he steps out of the iron man suit. he's in a white tank top and black sweat pants, certainly not the tony stark that the public gets to see. "how is it complicated?" he asks, confusion and concern painting his face. "we've met before, midtown high." I say.

part of me wants him to know, but I can't just tell him because another part of me knows he'd kick me out and fire me as soon as he found out. maybe if he figures it out himself he won't be as harsh. plus, the hint isn't that great, he meets tons of students from midtown.

he does an annual assembly about "helping keep your city safe" and all that. he does more than one internship position too, but most of those are interns for his employees, not his personal assistant.

"you do realize that barely narrows it down, right?" he says. "yup! but now you have a start!" I say before falling off the roof and swinging away. 

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