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We finish eating and loki gets up to throw our trash away. "and before you say anything, I'll pay for whatever you want, don't worry about money." Loki says.

"are you sure? Clothes can get expensive." I ask. "Peter, you seem to be afraid of people spending any money on you at all, its really no big deal." He responds.

"right, right." I nod. "where should we go first? I think there a few shops around this area." Loki says. "yeah, there's a mom and pop shop like 2 blocks away." I respond.

We hop around to about 4 different stores. Loki ended up with a few pairs of black jeans, a handful of T-shirts, and a pair of sneakers. I ended up with 3 new band shirts, a new sweater, and a new pair of jeans.

When we get back to the tower I hear everyone collectively scream at something, so I go to the main room to check. Everyone except Mr.stark is grouped together in the corner of the couch under one blanket, watching a horror movie. Mr.stark is asleep peacefully at the other end of the couch.

I laugh and wave loki over. He looks around the corner and laughs too. We both go to our respective rooms with our new clothes to put them away.

Considering I stayed only half moved in, it didn't take me long to put everything where it needed to go. I change into a plain black jumper and pick up my phone again to see a text from ned.

Chairman: DUDE DUDE OMG OMG OMG 3hrs ago


Chairman: what do I wear??? 3hrs ago

Chairman: okay okay I can't talk we're going to a movie, it supposed to be like 3 hours 2hr ago

I smile at my phone and turn it off before I make my bed. Of course being happy for my friends always comes with the same intrusive thought. What if they don't need you anymore.

I shake my head as hard as I can. I pick my phone and plug in my ear buds. I hit shuffle of a random playlist and my phone spits out medicine by daughter. Perfect.

I turn off the music and decide maybe I just need some company. I walk down the hall trying to figure out which room is lokis. It doesn't take long before I walk past a door and feel like I just walked past an open freezer, that must be their room.

I knock on the door and loki answers it. "oh, Peter! How may I help you?" He asks. "can we hang out? I mean I know we just were but, I'd rather not be alone right now." I say.

"of course, stay here just one moment." He says. He walks into his room but leaves the door open. I assume he turns down the ac because it starts to get warmer right away.

"come in, make yourself at home" he says, motioning me inside. I walk in and look around his room. The walls are painted black and there's a cd player on top of a fancy looking wardrobe.

"if I may ask, why don't you want to be alone right now? Not that you need a reason to hang out with me or anything." They ask. "no particular reason. I mean, just my brain doing what it always does." I say as I sit on the edge of his bed.

"I understand, the mind can be very counter intuitive at times. You are always more than welcome here" he says. "may I ask you how your arm is feeling? It was still bleeding slightly when I applied the bandage and its been a few hours, we may need to change it."

"oh, it feels okay but I can take off the sweater so you can check" I say. Loki nods and I take off my jumper. It doesn't feel as weird as I thought to be shirtless in someone elses room, and loki seems unphased. I look at my arm and it looks like I almost bled through the bandages. Again. Loki sighs.

"I'll have to change them again, just to be safe." He says. He folds the jumper and places it on his nightstand. He takes a bandage out of the same box I saw earlier.

He kneels in front of the bed and gently unwraps the bandage. This time it doesn't hurt as badly, none of the gause gets stuck in the old wounds. Just then there's a knock at the door.

"is Peter in there with you?" I hear Mr.stark ask. Loki turns his head as quickly as possible. "yeah I'm in here? Why?" I respond, hoping he won't open the door. Look flips the edge of blanket over so it covers my arm and half of my leg.

Mr.stark open the door and starts to speak. "did you two want to go- oh, I'm inturupting something. I'll come back later, be safe." He says awkwardly before closing the door. Loki and I just look at eachother and start laughing.

We both giggle and talk as he finishes bandageing my arm. "that has got to be the most embarrassing thing to happen to me ever" I say. "really, is it embarrassing for you boss to walk in on you shirtless in an ex-teenage villains bedroom?" Loki asks sarcasticly light hearted.

"it is! And good move with the blanket, right in time." I joke. "everyone, but especially stark, have a tendency to not knock very often." Loki explains. "That's gotta suck, you should probably put a lock on your door or something" I say.

"I would but I'm afraid you'd never visit if I did." They joke. "then give me a key, problem solved!" I respond jokingly. "thank you, by the way, for helping me out." I say. "of course, there's not much else fun here other than you." He says.

I put my sweater back on and stand up. Loki and I both wander into the kitchen and they put the kettle on the stove. "do you like green tea?" He asks. "only when it's made right, most people over-steep it and it gets all bitter." I say.

"lucky for you, I actually know what I'm doing with tea." They joke. Bucky walks into the kitchen and pours himself a cup of coffee, I'm assuming its probably stale by now. He doesn't say anything as he pours in cream and sugar. "lock your door kid" he says to loki before quickly leaving the kitchen.

Loki turns bright red and turns back to the tea, giggling.

A/n school has started, I apologize for this chapter taking so long (also spiderfrost because I said so, Peter still deserves a strong/powerful bf)

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