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Happy pulls up to the apartment and I get out of the car. Part of me wants to run inside and pretend nothing is different, it's just another one of may's long shifts, I want to pretend she'll be there when I wake up. I know she won't.

"you sure you can do this kid? I can just grab whatever you need." Happy says, getting out of the car and standing beside me.

"Yeah, I'll be okay," I say before running up the stairs and unlocking the door.

Everything looks exactly the same as it did when I left for school, she never even made it home for lunch.

I go into my room and grab as many clothes as I can fit into the suitcase Mr.stark gave me, so most of my clothes. I grab my extra backpack and put my Spiderman suit, my blades, my notebook, and my favorite pen into the bag. I grab my chargers and the extra web fluid under my bed and put those in the bag too.

I take a deep breath and open the door to may's room. Her bed is perfectly made, and everything looks pristine. The candle in front of uncle ben's picture is completely melted. I decide to leave his picture be and grab the picture of aunt may and uncle ben on their wedding day.

I get as many candles as I can carry from the kitchen before showing them into my bag and running back out to the car.

"got everything?" Happy asks, taking the suitcase and putting it in the trunk. "yeah, I think so." I say, trying not to cry.

It's hard knowing that this is probably the last time I'll ever see this apartment. This is the last time I'll see what little I have left of my family.

The car ride back is silent.

Happy carries my bag from the trunk "I can get your backpack too if you want" he says, reaching out an empty hand. "hm? Oh, no thanks, I can get it" I fake a weak smile and I guess he could tell because he looked at me sadly.

When the elevator doors open to the penthouse, Mr.stark, Bucky, Cap, Nat, and a few people I haven't met yet are sitting in the main room. I recognize them but I've never met them. Wanda Maximoff, Thor, and one I don't recognize with black wavy hair. He looks about my age, give or take.

"here wait, I can get that, thanks happy. Tell pep I said hi." Mr.stark says, running over and taking the suitcase from happy. "I'll show you to your room," Mr.stark says, putting a comforting hand on my back.

"thank you for letting me stay here Mr.stark, I'm sorry i-" I say, getting cut off. "Don't apologize. You're fine, I promise." He says, walking down a hallway.

"it's a little last minute so it's not much." He says, opening a door and putting the suitcase down in the corner. It's a large room with a twin-sized bed and a desk.

"thank you, Mr.Stark," I say, still trying not to cry in front of the man I've looked up to my whole life.

"put your stuff down and come on out to the main room, only if you feel up to it of course. I want you to meet a few people." Mr.stark says.

"hm? Oh, uh sure." I say, putting my backpack down and following Mr.stark into the main room.

Bucky, cap, and nat are all sitting on the couch with the people I've never met before, talking to them. As soon as I walk into the room, the man with wavy black hair, who I can only assume is Loki, stands up and begins to walk toward me. Mr.stark tenses up.

"cool it frosty. He's just a kid." Mr.stark says, almost stepping between me and the oddly tall stranger. "I'm aware stark," Loki says coldly.

"you must be peter. I'm awfully sorry for your loss, I know it must be hard." He says, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder before pulling me into a hug. He's cold, really cold.

"am I seeing things or is icy-hot head showing empathy?" Mr.stark says. I can't help but laugh a little. Loki lets me go and sits back on the couch. I just stand there next to Mr.stark.

"so, by now I'm sure you all know what happened." Mr.stark says. everyone nods. "Peter will be staying here for a while. Peter, this is thor, Loki, and Wanda. They also live here but they aren't here all the time." He says.

"if you would like Peter, maybe I could try to help with my powers?" Wanda asks." hm? Thank you for the offer but, I don't want to make more work for you." I say. "honestly it's no problem at all, I'm more than willing to help." She says.

"Perhaps another time, maximoff," Loki says. I think he could see the discomfort on my face. Not discomfort, I'm perfectly comfortable with it, I would just feel bad.

"Perhaps you should try to settle some, no?" Thor says, standing up and starting to walk over. As he passes Loki, Loki put his hand out and stands up in front of thor.

"brother I don't mean to offend but you have a rather imposing presence, perhaps it's better someone else show him to his room such as stark, maximoff, or myself." He says.

I mean it's true, I am kinda scared of thor. I know he wouldn't hurt me on purpose but he's so tall I'm always afraid he'd see right over my head and accidentally hit me.

"so your not imposing? Mr. I-Iced-half-of-new-york-for-fun?" Mr.stark says, sarcastically. "tony, he was brainwashed, you know that." Wanda says. Mr.stark sighs. "oh because you can be that in charge and on point when you're brainwashed?" Mr.stark shoots back.
"I can show you what it's like if you want, stark," Wanda says.

Mr.stark and Wanda continue fighting, I slowly take a few steps away because Mr.stark is waving his hands around when he yells. Thor tries to break up the argument and only elevated yelling to screaming. Loki walks right past all 3 of them to me and no one even notices.

"Perhaps I should show you to your room if stark didn't do so when you first arrived," Loki says, putting a comforting hand on my back and leading me down the hall.

"I put my things down but I didn't get a chance to settle in," I say quietly. I'm sure anyone else would still be crying at this point, but I've been here 3 times before, and I can hold back my tears long enough to not bother anyone.

"ah, I see. Peter, can I talk to you for a moment?" Loki stops as we get to the door. "I guess so." I say. "you seem awfully calm for someone who just lost the woman who raised him. Especially considering the situation. You can talk to any of us, especially me. I know somewhat what its like to lose someone that close to you." He says.

"really?" I say, somewhat doubtful. "more than one would like to admit. The point is Peter, I'm here if you need to talk. If you need someone to listen, if you need advice, if you just can't be alone, I'm always a text away." He says, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"thank you, really. I think I just need some sleep right now." I say. "of course, I'll get those idiots to quit arguing so you can rest. Good night Peter." Loki says before walking down the hall.

"g'night Loki," I say before heading into my room and curling up on the bed, not even bothering to take off my shoes. I need sleep, but I can't sleep. Oh well.

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