Chapter 10

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Kinkajou, Bumblee, Dusky, Sky, and Wren set out for Pyrrhia at dawn. All morning, there was nothing but Dusky's complaints, blue sky, blue water, and Wrens horrid jokes. There was no light in the air and Kinkajou couldn't blame em'.

"Are we there yet?" Dusky whined. "Because I don't think we are. THERE ISN'T ANYTHING BUT BLUE HERE AND THERE!!!! I THOUGHT WE WOULD BE THERE BY NOW!

When did you become such a loud mouth? For a four year old, you don't act like one! I wish you were here, Knowledgeable.

Because they were crossing the ocean, Knowledgeable couldn't reach her anymore and she was stuck alone. A part of her wondered if traveling to Pyrrhia would help. They would be leaving their mission and that REALLY DIDN'T QUALIFY AS GOOD RIGHT NOW!

There was another thing. What would they tell the queen? Maybe, "Hey guys! I know we like just saved that other continent, but they need help again! Isn't that sooooo cool!" Probably not.

I wish prophecies were easier! You should just do stuff and be victorious! Right? No, Kinkajou. Wrong!

Her world was falling apart and she didn't know how she could fix it. It was the end of the world! She couldn't fix a problem! Why did Knowledgeable expect her to be someone who could solve everything? She didn't have powers and just wanted to have suntime back in the rainforest.

"You ok?" Sky asked. "You seem kind of tense. Trust me, being tense isn't a good idea. Wren wouldn't listen and now look at her."

"Hey!" Wren yelled from his back. "Your the one who chose to be raised by me, doofus. If you don't like my way of talking, go yell at your snails."

"But they might be hurt!"

Kinkajou laughed at their argument. Having them on this journey was a good idea! They brought  LOTS of entertainment! Plus, Sky was more interesting than she expected.

When she thought about the fire less Skywing, her mind went back to him and his sister. Would Peril ever reveal that Sky was her brother or would he somehow find out? What would those side effects have on everyone?

If we're going to save everyone, having a quarrel between us won't help. Good news, Sky only seems to fight with Wren.

"I'm fine by the way." Kinkajou said, answering Sky's earlier question. "I'm just worried about the prophecy. Do you think we'll be able to complete it?"

"First we have to find someone with fire." Sky sighed. "Which means seeing other dragons. Not only that, but dragons from my tribe. I wonder what they're like. As bad as my mother?"

Wren have him a playful nudge. "If they are, we'll be prepared. I think you'll be fine though. After all, not all the dragons you've seen were that bad." Her words were sincere, but Kinkajou could tell she was just as nervous.

I hope we can do this, because it's gonna be hard.

When they finally spotted land, Kinkajous heart sunk. She was hoping to see the greenery of her home, but all she could see for miles was sand, sand, and more sand! They had landed in the Kingdom of Sand.

Why here? There aren't even any trees!

She was just looking at dunes, scorpions, and passing Sandwings. It was a fast, warm, desert. Nothing like her wonderful home in the rainforest. Although, she did still know one place they could stay.

"I know where we can go." Kinkajou confessed. "There's a small town on the border of the Sandwings and Skywings a bit from here. We could make camp there for a night or two and then head to Jade Mountain to tell Clay the news."

"Agreed." Sky coughed. "I'm to tired to fly all that way in one night. Going to this city sounds great!" He didn't look all that tired, but she didn't argue. 

"Can't we explore first?" Bumblebee asked. "I wanna know what this place is like! What dragons are there? How mean are the rulers?"

"Can we not?" Dusky suggested. "I'd like to get all of this over with. Being away from your mom for the SECOND TIME isn't what I'd call fun."

"Can we just stop arguing and get to the city!" Wren snarled. "Kinkajou, lead the way. I for one don't want to be here all day listening to Bumblebees questions and Dusky's whining."


So, the group set out for the city. Kinkajou wondered if the hospitality was the same as when he last was there. Going into a situation of argument or not paying the bill wasn't something that sounded good in this state.

She wondered what her friends were doing at this time. We're they all under her control? We're there some who could find out the badness happening in Pantala and do something about it?

I wish someone was here to help me. Turtle, Knowledgeable, Winter, or even Lynx. Just someone to tell me,.... am I doing this right?

Suddenly, a shape appeared out of thin air. It was a small Sandwing female, her claws sheathed, but still a look of grimace on her face. Something about her was familiar, but Kink couldn't place it.

"Who are you?" She growled at Sky. "I don't think Skywings usually reside in the desert. And who are your weird looking companions?"

Kinkajou watched as she studied Bumblebee and Dusky. Apparently, she'd missed Wren and Kinkajou over her remarks about the others. The idea was not to get into trouble!

"We need to get to Jade Mountain to speak with Clay." Sky explained. "And..... uh...... Yeah!"

She finally turned her gaze from him and looked at Kinkajou. "Wait! Your Qibli's friend! Kinkajou if I'm right. I don't know if he's mentioned me, but I'm Ostrich."

That's who it is! Ostrich the Sandwing. She goes to Jade Mountain if I'm correct.

"That's right!" Kinakjou exclaimed. "We've come from Pantala. That's why these two look a little weird. We really need to see Clay or one of the Dragonets."

Ostrich's face went pure dark. Whatever was on her mind, it was serious. Did something happen to one of the queens or something?

"I don't think you'll be able too see Clay." she almost cried. "Or any of the Dragonets of Destiny."


She turned her gaze so she was looking at all of them. Kinkajou was so anticipating her words of...... badness. Then, she cried her phrase.

"Clay and the others are missing."

Wings of Fire #16- Prophecy of FireWhere stories live. Discover now