High Heels

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So this is the, AU Jason and Chrissy just having fun :]]

Jason was speeding over to Chrissy's house.

She called over to him for a little help. A little help with something only the boy could help with.

And the reason behind it? Both of them shared a half-secret. Their close family knew about it, but didn't understand it as well as the two understood each other.

Jason knocked on the door, and there stood Chrissy. Her parents were away right now, so she asked for help from the only person that was appropriate to call.

"Hey Chrissy! Did something happen? You seemed excited over the phone." Jason invited himself in, immediately taking off his shoes.

"Yes yes! So I actually went out today and... Do you know how to walk in heels?" She asked, closing the door.

Chrissy genuinely seemed happy about all this. It was pulling on Jason's heartstrings.

"Fortunately enough, I do know how to walk in heels." He smiled, stuffing his hand into his pockets. "Do you need a little help with them?"

The girl started to violently nod. She took his hand then started dragging him upstairs.

Her room was clean and perfect as always. The wardrobe was closed, the make up was sitting on the beauty table all organized. The bed was also made, which was especially weird for Jason, considering he himself just leaves it as it is at all times.

In front of the bed were three boxes, all violently opened up. Three pairs of heels were sitting next to them. One was black, thin and elegant. The second one had a slightly more platformed heel, that one was pink. And the third was a white, slightly shorter heel one.

"Woah. They look decent." Jason nodded, smiling at Chrissy's excitement.

"I know right? But it's kinda hard for me to walk in them. Not used to this kind of... Well, shoes." She sat down on the bed. "I thought maybe you could try them on and show me, or at least try to teach me, how to walk in them." She shrugged.

Jason thought about the last time he had to be in heels. It was quite a long time ago, but it can't be that hard to re-learn.
Jason shrugged then sat down next to Chrissy.

"If I do fall, no I didn't." He made the comment, putting on the black heels.

It fitted perfectly, to Jason's surprise. He put his feet on the ground, just to test how weird it felt. It was pretty normal, his ankles slightly bending in an awkward way.

He took one deep breath then stood up. It was surprisingly easier standing Than what he thought it would be.

He took a few steps around the room with perfect style. It actually felt nice to wear a high heel again, though it wasn't really his style.

"You're making it look so easy." Chrissy crossed her arms. "Like... Hold on, I'm going to show you." She then began putting on the white heels.

Without hesitation she stood up, her right ankle immediately flopping to the side. She fell right back onto the bed.

"You know, normally I would think you're acting, that was a beautiful dramatic fall." Jason smiled.

He decided it would be funny to act like a model. He put his left hand on his hips then started to just make different poses. They looked ordinary but very overly dramatic.

"What the hell are you doing?" Chrissy giggled, kicking off the heels.

"What do you mean?" He questioned switching his pose. "I'm being feminine." He then flicked his non-existent long hair. "God I don't know if I hate or love this." He shook his head, taking the 'extra' shoes off.

"There's nothing wrong with enjoying feminine things." The other laid down, looking at the ceiling. "Plus now I know that you could teach me."

"Course I can. Would be a shitty boyf- Friend. If I didn't help out." He scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry. Habits."

Chrissy looked back at Jason with a smile.

"You can call me your 'girl friend'. After all, I'm a girl that's a friend." She shrugged it off.

Jason nodded, with an over dramatic, approving expression.

"Guess so."

The two of them stayed silent for a good 10 seconds, both kinda deep in thought.
Chrissy was thankful that Jason was there for her, and that he was understanding about her not wanting a relationship.

Jason was mainly wrapping his head around how he'll go on about teaching. It's gonna be quite hard since he sucks at actually helping, besides explaining the basics very well.

"Jason." Her voice echoed around the silent room.

"Hm?" Was the only reply she got.

"I think I like someone new." She blurted out, second guessing if she should've just shut up then and there.

To her surprise, Jason was not at all upset. He seemed slightly more bright.

"Holy shit! That's great Chrissy!" He said, trying to not be amazingly loud. "Who is it? Do I know them? How do they look if I don't?" A couple of questions came up.

Chrissy grabbed one of her pillows then sent it flying towards Jason.

"Well, Mr.'I'm not into gossip'... She's..."

"She's a girl? Welcome to the club." He cut into her sentence, picking up the pillow from the floor and sitting down on the bed with it.

He was in total gossip mode.

"Oh shut up now will you?" Chrissy covered her face that was now burning.

She was just happy that her best friend was Jason. Correction, her best friend was still Jason.

That night, the boy stayed over and technically had a sleepover at Chrissy's. He taught her how to walk in heels, well somewhat. She still breaks her ankles every now and then. They also talked a lot about her crush on this special somebody. Jason was amazingly supportive.
They overall had a great night.

Who's the mystery girl? Idk. I Guess I took insparation from a Friend (yes im looking at you Asher :DD)
So uh yepp.
Chrissy and Jason are both trans btw! Just to, clear some stuff up
Buhbye now

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