Angeria moment part.1

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I wrote a oneshot of the two Cause I was bored
It's short and fast, not the Best. But I didn't want this to be the Best so its fine :DD

"You know. I still feel ecstatic that you can ride a motorcycle!" Kira took the helmet she had on, off. She had no idea what ecstatic meant, but it seemed like something positive so it made its way into her vocabulary.

Angela took them to dinner so they could eat something. Before being involved in all the crazy stuff.

"Mom couldn't take me to school, had to improvise." Angela grinned at the other.

It's been a day since they started their journey from California to Hawkins. Thirteen's, as in Kira's lab, was exploded by one of the kids. They were having a nightmare about Hawkins, and so they wanted to know what caused good ol' 002 to rage quit from their sleep. Thankfully, not many died. Angela's mom was actually one of the people who asked the two to check what's going on, since Kira was already someone who saw the outside. This wasn't scientist duty and so they sent kids, just in case it was nothing and the 'important people' didn't waste their time on this.

"Oh, is this a restaurant? The ones you promised to take me to?" Thirteen's excitement just grew larger every second. She loved the outside.

"Yepp! It's one of my favourites too. It's not one of those poor people's diners." Angela's grin grew on her face.

She was planning on taking Kira here once she found out what a date was. Of course, she's not gonna tell the other, but to her this was a date.

The two of them left the motorcycle outside and headed in.

It wasn't anything too fancy, but it was also not like every single diner you see on the side of the road.

The girls sat down at a table, Angela immediately trying to sit more closer to Kira. She took the menu and started to explain what the food was like, that was listed.

"Oh I want this one." Thirteen exclaimed for the sixth time.

"You want all of them?" Angela raised an eyebrow, kinda teasing the other.

"Well Yeah! It's not everyday I can eat at a place like this." With shining eyes, she pointed around them.

The mean girl found this whole curiosity cute, and was definitely happy about the fact that these moments were with her and not anyone else.

"How about this. We'll get the ice cream, because that's an easy food, and also something I love. Plus you said you want that…" Angela started to count the reasons on her hand.

"Oooh I like that Angie! Sure!" Kira nodded, trying to read what seemed like gibberish to her. She never really got the chance to learn how to read.

"Okay then. You want the chocolate one if I remember?" She of course remembered. Thirteen was probably the only person she actually paid attention to, in what seems like eternity.

Kira started violently nodding, still staring at the menu.
Angela laid back in her seat, just smiling at her friend.
Friend. What a sour word, that is supposed to be normal. She shrugged it off in her mind.

They took their orders, the food almost immediately arriving. Kira got a simple but amazing chocolate ice cream, with sprinkles on it. Angela was more of a strawberry and melted chocolate type of girl.

Thirteen was eating the ice cream quite fast, looking like a child. Angela as usual, had to act all proper and better, she ate hers like this was some grand meal you need to appreciate.

"Man… I think ice cream is my favourite now." Kira wiped her face, leaving an empty plate in front of her.

Shortly, Angie was also done with hers. The two of them still decided to sit there for a while.

"We should stop by again, when we're on our way back to California." The mean girl played with the spoon.

"Yeah. If we get back."

"If?" She suddenly felt more tense. Of course, this could mean many things but she recently had to deal with overthinking.

Is Kira hinting at the fact that they could die, or the fact that they'll go to a place they won't want to leave? Why would they die? It was probably nothing that 002 saw! Or was it not? No no, then the lab wouldn't have sent the two of them.

"Oh well, yeah. I heard Hawkins was an interesting place." Thirteen nodded, now also looking slightly panicky.

"I think you mixed 'cursed' up with 'interesting'." Angela's sarcasm was shining through.

Kira's only response was a shrug.
Her eyes were wide open, she was zoning out. Kind of like when she was trying to use her powers.
Sure enough, her nose started to bleed.

"Wow wow, what are you doing?" Angela placed her hand on the other's shoulder.

Thirteen closed her eyes then wiped off the blood. She got up, and placed her plate on another table next to them. She sat back down and just waited, smiling.

"I made them think my ice cream wasn't brought to us yet." She smiled innocently.

The mean girl shook her head in disbelief. At least they don't have to pay for doubles.

The second chocolate plate was brought to their table, and Kira was already stuffing her mouth.

The waiter took Angela's plate and the one that was on the other table, seeming a little confused. Angie just smiled at them.

After Thirteen finished off this plate as well, the two girls went back outside, grabbing their helmets.

"I enjoyed that a lot!" Kira yelled, putting the helmet on her head.

Angie once again shook her head, chuckling a little. She slid the helmet on her head as well.

Angela, all geared up, sat on the motorcycle. Kira sat behind her, hugging around her waist which sent her mind flying every time.

The machine was turned on, and the two of them were on the road to Hawkins once again.

SCP-F-1-N here you go-

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