A group of people started laughing with him, talking about how Okobore would die for the scraps. Images of Otsuru, Tama, and the townsfolk ran through my mind. I tried to keep walking, but they started throwing their food on the floor and stomping on it. I didn't think it was affecting me too much until I realized I had changed my direction, and now I was standing right behind the men responsible for the wasted food.

"The plan... the plan... the plan... I am not who I follow..." I mumbled to myself, staring at the food on the ground and trying to urge my body to walk the other way. I have bigger fish to fry, and all of these assholes will die in due time if the plan works out. "If... if the plan works."

Someone threw a huge pot of soup all over the wooden flooring. "I almost forgot! No one's going to eat this tonight! It's not even a drinking food!" the man cackled, throwing the steel pot to the side, coincidentally right at me.

I grabbed hold of it and gritted my teeth, activating my devil fruit and absorbing the pot into my body. "That has got to be a sign from the universe," I grunted, deactivating my devil fruit and walking to the center of the rowdy men. Specifically, to the man who destroyed my attempt to hold myself together.

"Whoa! Who's this? Trying to join the party? Here, have some of-" I grabbed his shoulder and pushed downwards, forcing him to crumble to the floor. "O-oi! Stop!" soup man shouted, trying to pry my hand off of his shoulder.

"Stop?" I repeated with confusion. "Why would I stop? This is a party. Aren't we all just doing what we want?"

He stared up at me in horror. His gaze didn't stay on me for long. He squeezed his eyes shut and screamed as I broke his collarbone, throwing him into the crowd forcefully right after. The surrounding people who took part in his food-wasting-ways were less than happy about this, resulting in all of them ganging up on me. This wasn't really an issue since no one of significance was in the crowd, meaning no one was strong enough to actually pose a threat.

After a few minutes, everyone was on the floor, passed out or in pain. Onlookers of this fight just continued drinking like I didn't just take out a bunch of their comrades. I shrugged and spun on my heel, continuing onwards until a bunch of Beast Pirates started running away from something to the left of me.

"Must be Luffy," I hummed, changing my direction once again and heading toward the chaos.

I walked through a building and saw Luffy through a cloud of dust in the air. He had hammered some guys straight into the ground from the looks of the scene around him. Right after I'd scoped he scene, a building in front of me was sliced in half, Zoro appearing atop the ruins as if it were some stage. "You created a ruckus," the green head said. "I walked straight down to where the mess was and it's already like this. Why can't you sneak in quietly?!"

My brow twitched in irritation. "QUIETLY?! You just cut a whole building!" I yelled, causing the two of them to look at me.

"You're no different! I heard people screaming over on your side earlier!" Zoro yelled back.

"You probably fought before you cut that building anyway!" I shouted.

"Sheesh, you guys ruined the plan!" Luffy scolded us, crossing his arms.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK ON THIS!" the two of us shot back at him.

He frowned and motioned to the men around him. "I have a reason! These guys... They intentionally spilled red bean soup!" he told us.

"Red bean soup...?" we repeated. An image of Tama passed through my mind again, her tears of joy stained into my memory.

"In that case... I've gotta cut them all up," Zoro grunted, a deep frown on his face. He made his way beside Luffy, and I did the same.

A Small Adventure (One Piece fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя