Once Again, We're the Bad Guys

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"You're the Straw Hats aren't you?" a rider on the sea monster asked. Surume had thrown us in the middle of this group of weird sea creatures because it was intimidated by the riders and left.

"Who are you? How do you know about us?" Luffy asked.

"Yes, I know you all very well. You are the ones who foiled the plans of the Arlong Pirates. That act was easy enough to understand. But then you stood up for Hachi, the former officer of the Arlong Pirates two years ago and knocked one of the hateful Celestial Dragons out! Just like Fisher Tiger, the hero of the Fishman Island who we respect," the fishman said. There were three of them on that one sea monster's back. Robin seemed to recognized who Fisher Tiger was, but I didn't get to ask since the guy kept talking. "It's hard to figure out what I should do with you! So, tell me, are you guys our enemies or not? I'll give you an option. Do you wanna enlist under our banner- the New Fishman Pirates? Or do you refuse? If you refuse, we'll sink you!"

"What did you say?!" Luffy yelled in response. While he contemplated the answer that we all knew he would give, I was instructed by Nami to help Usopp load up some cola in order to Coup de Burst out of here. We couldn't fight in this situation; the bubble would pop or we would straight up be crushed by water pressure if anyone were to leave the bubble.

I pushed a barrel of cola into place and gave Usopp a thumbs up, cuing him to turn on the baby den den mushi in his hand and tell Franky to take off. We both ran out of the fuel room and onto the deck, instantly getting smushed onto the lawn when the bubble of the ship constricted tighter around us. Since Coup de Burst used air, and the only air it had access to was in the coating, so it would only make sense that it shrunk.

The ship flew all the way up to the bubble surrounding Fishman Island, and when we passed through it, the coating on the Sunny was pulled off. Yet. Though, the problem now was that there was still another barrier to get through.

"The bubble here is a double structure! Normal ships will fall in this layer because there is only air!" Robin informed us.

"We're gonna run into one more bubble! Everyone hold on!" Franky warned. We went through the second bubble successfully, but this one contained water. Everyone was tugged downwards into this second ocean due to a strong current. That didn't really matter for me, though, since I was a devil fruit user. I was gonna get pulled down either way. The only problem is that a non-devil fruit user can't swim to save me this time.

I placed my hands over my mouth and tried to look at the state of everyone else through my squinted eyes. A hand clutched around my ankle and I was pulled down to whoever it was that grabbed me, proceeding to be clutched to their chest. I couldn't see who it was, but by the solidity of their torso, I could get a pretty good idea. That wasn't a perverted statement, it was an observation, by the way.


I coughed up some seawater and threw an arm over my eyes. I was laying across the ground after being pulled up from the sea water by my knight in shining armor. Granted, I wasn't too happy with who managed to grab me. "Why'd it have to be you?" I moaned in agony.

"You rather I let you drown?" Zoro growled. I felt his shadow looming over me. Moving my arm, I looked up at him, seeing his resting grumpy face.

"Kinda." That got me a hit on the forehead from the sheath of one of his swords. I begrudgingly got up and nudged him in the side, "Don't hit me with one of our children. Plus, I'm kidding, obviously I wanted you to save me. So where do you think we are, Mr. Navigator? I'll wholly rely on your send of direction since you're my savior."

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