Number 30

531 19 3

True colours
Tobias POV

My eyes flutter open and all that's happened in the last 72 hours comes back. My mind fights to push it
away-but in the end, it loses. I really want to forget about how I thought Seely would die at the hands of Erik once Tris and I were gone. I fight to forget the vivid memory of Erik raising his hands at which her holding a belt aimed at Tris' back. I try to fight the memories away, but I can't.

Tris POV
I slowly lift one eye seeing if Tobias is awake yet. I'm trying to get into my old habits. But it's a challenge when you are at an infirmary all night while your daughter was being operated on to get the poison out of her. And you were just beaten by Erik while the love of your life watched and tried to fight off guards. Not to mention seeing your daughter be put through a series of fear induced simulations. Memories aren't just happiness-they double as destruction.

TimeLapse until 2 days later and Seely's out of the hospital:

Tris POV

I hold Seelys little hand. Her eyes are glazed over, and she's lost a lot of weight. Christina said that it's a temporary side effect of the poison, minus the weight loss. That's due to the fact of all she's been through. She's only 2, and she has been through a traumatic experience. I was 16, when Peter attacked me. Not 2. And it wasn't Erik. I'm playing things through in my mind. Wondering how this suddenly happened. How?!


I scurry around my office making sure everything is looking great. Dear Lord; I'm a Dauntless man and I'm making sure my office looks, 'nice.'
What has gotten into me?
I look at the time. 6:00. Why isn't she here?! I pace back and forth. I look at the time again and see it's 6:01! Where is she??!!! She's 1 minute late! Is she hurt? Is she not coming? Oh no!

Christina POV
My hand drags along the wall of the Dauntless hall. The hall that has Max's office. My mind still hasn't comprehended what the bolt of electricity that made me feel warm, when he held my hand. I was probably just nervous from the fact I was going to operate on Seely. Right? RIGHT?! Right. I smile to myself until someone bumps into me. Peter. "Watch it." He mutters. Where is he going? He knocks on the door at the very end of the hall and a girl answers. He leans in and my eyes widen. Their lips overlap. I choke on my own vomit. The girl looks at me and says, "You gotta a problem fat face?" My eyes widen with fury and I walk, well more like run, over to her. I kick Peter in the groin and grab the collar of her shirt. I lean in real close and whisper, "Just because your dating a psychopath, doesn't mean that you can be an ass. Did you know he tried to kill a girl because she was doing better then him in initiation? No, you didn't? Whoops! Little fact of the day for ya!" Peter gets a look in his eyes and I recognize that look all to well. Evil. Oh, I can take him on now. Right before I can lunge for his throat warm brown hands encase my hips and pull me into a room. Max. "Christina," he sounds-worried? "Are you alright? And why were you attacking Peter and his girlfriend?" I look into his black eyes and I realize how stupid I was. She only called me fat face. But still, I hope I saved her from a bad guy. I've had one before, too. Will. "She's with Peter," I say sounding exasperated. He rolls his eyes then look into mine. "So, do you want to go on a date?" Max speaks proudly like he knows what I'll say. But will I say it?

Tobias POV
Seely is asleep in bed, and Tris is laying on the couch. I go over to Tris and see that her eyes are watering and she looks like she's in physical pain. I raise my eyebrows and she simply lifts her shirt. There are whip marks everywhere. I hold her as she weeps silently into my shoulder.

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