The final day

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TW: self harm, suicide.


Today is definitely my final day on the god forsaken planet. I cannot bear Flow yelling at me about my son's death and my darling Kodi's death. I want to go be with my family and perhaps get married. So I sit here atop a cliff side. I jump, out of nowhere I feel someone's hand rap around my wrist. I look back and it's a small octoling girl. She lifts me back up with all her might and starts hugging me. I don't know how but I started crying. Feeling someone's grasp again made me feel so happy. I felt alienated ever since Kodis passing like no one, not even Flow could understand me. "It's okay. I was on the cliff once too." the octolet said in a soft voice. I stopped sobbing so loud because I think I might have just found someone I could relate to. " My sister and I were taken out of our backyard while we were playing, It was Tartar's troops. They took us in a boat and because we were some of the last octolings they stole we were strapped to the huge blinding light of the boat. We were on that boat for 8 whole days eventually my sister and I went blind and our back sides started to get burnt because of the heat admitting from the light my sister Cheri burned to death right in front of my eyes she couldn't scream or cry because we both had no energy they forgot they had even put us near the light...- Oh i'm so sorry this should be about you! I'm sorry now I'm just trauma dumping..."
I stared at the octolet in disbelief. " Wait, you were a part of Tartar's army?" I said wiping tears from my eyes "Yes, were you?" she said " Yes I was, I escaped with my Girlfriend but she died." I said starting to cry again. " I'm sorry to ask but are you 238?" she asked " yeah you seem oddly familiar I think I used to have a crush on you? Were you 668?" I sheepishly said, " Yeah... I was 668. Not going to even lie here but I used to have the biggest crush for you." she laughed. "Whos your girlfriend 668?" she asked "248." I said "Hey she was the super pretty octolet!" she said excitedly " wait you knew her?" I asked "Yep! I have a really good memory so I remember almost everybody I've ever seen!". We started to have a conversation that lasted hours. We even spoke as we walked all the way back to my house. " Hey you Koda... Lets stay in touch! Oh yeah I'm Michiru by the way!" She winked at me then ran off. I know it may seem like I still like her but I'm still in a relationship with Kodi. So I can't kiss her.

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