Chapter 2: Blizzard Brawl

Start from the beginning

'end fight music now'

"what's a kami?" said Nora as Chill's suit comes back to life "it means god, NOW BOW!" said Cornel Chill as he grabbed Nora by her face and slammed her into the ground as Yang swings a punch with her right arm but the cornel grabs it and Blake runs in to help but Chill backhands her to the ground "wow that was cold of you" said Yang "so, you like puns huh?, well how's this, you're about to have a crushing pain" said Cornel Chill "eh, honestly depends on the conte-" said Yang when Chill tightens his grip on her arm so much that her aura and the bone breaks as Yang screams loudly as Ruby looks on in shock and anger at her sister in trouble and prepares to fire again but the cornel throws Yang to her and knocks her down as Weiss tries to hit him with fire but Chill freezes her feet not allowing her to hit him and sticking her in place "now you know how it feels" said Cornel Chill as he looks at Nora and begins walking towards her as she turns magnhild into its grenade launcher form and fires multiple shots at him but they did nothing as Chill grabs the weapon and snatches it from her "hm, a melee weapon that can turn into a ranged one, you lot certainly have some impressive technology though I feel that Dr Reed would somehow find this primitive" said Cornel Chill "don't touch my ba-!" said Nora when Chill stomped on her lightly pushing her to the ground as she struggles to get his foot off of her "don't worry its not this you should be worried about, and I'll give you a hint on what you should be worried for" said Cornel Chill as he suddenly raised his foot up with the full intent to bring it down on the electric queen's face "NORA!" shouted Pyrrha as Chill's foot fell towards Nora but just as it was a second away from painting the ground with her grey matter a cyclone of bullets obscured his vision and miss just shy of Nora's head as Ren unloads the bullets onto him coupled with slashes of stormflower which thanks to Cinder had been heated as Ren finishes off with a powerful strike that knocks the Cornel on his ass as he helps Nora up "are you ok?" said Ren as Nora wraps her arms around him in a tight hug "I am now, my hero" said Nora smiling "that's great, but I can't breathe" said Ren choking "oh sorry" said Nora letting go and allowing Ren to breathe but still keeping her smile as Ren has a small smile as well until both then look to Chill getting back up "why you trigger happy piece of-" said Cornel Chill when a blast of fire knocks Chill back as team CEAN enters the scene "well seems like you lot made a mess of this let me guess, Yang" said Cinder "Cinder she might be hurt" said Emerald "well I'm sure it's fine" said Cinder "oh yeah!" said Yang walking towards them as she bends her broken arm backwards much to the uncomfortableness of the team "didn't need to see that but you've made your point" said Cinder "ok good cause that hurt" said Yang as she stopped doing it and Ruby runs to the group "how are you guys here?" said Ruby "Ren came and found us to get us here since Jaune figured Cinder's fire abilities would be useful here" said Emerald "well that's great cause we really needed the help, also electric shocks will turn of his suit for a bit" said Ruby "good to know" said Emerald as Chill gets up as everyone regroups again with Weiss using the last of her fire dust to free herself from Chill's ice "alright everyone, so we have a strategy we just need to keep hitting him with fire and electricity and eventually bring him down" said Ruby "so we just take advantage of his weaknesses and chip away at him until he just gives up and falls over" said Amber "pretty much, also use our semblances to keep him busy" said Ruby "well first I think Yang should sit out now" said Jaune "why!?!" said Yang "well no offence but your arm is broken and your aura is gone it'd be too risky to fight him" said Jaune as Yang was about to say something but catches Ruby's face as she gives her puppy dog eyes to tell her to sit it out and she relents "fine" said Yang as she walks over to a tree and leans against it as the rest of the group turn to face the cornel who gets up "more of you huh, well you may think that you're all looking pretty badass all grouped together but to me all you are, are lambs to the slaughter and I'm the butcher" said Cornel Chill as he summons frostmore once again as the group rushes Chill as he runs towards them and swings his sword down only to hear glass shatter as the group breaks into pieces leaving him confuse as Neo behind him taps his back with hush and he turns around to look down at her as she extends out a small box with a ribbon on it "for me? 'Neo nods' oh, why thank you" said Cornel Chill as he takes the box from her and opens it only for a bomb to blow up in his face covering his face in black soot and as he wipes it off his eyes only to be met with Pyrrha's shield flying into his face distracting him enough for Blake to bitch slap him with her blade beam knocking him back a bit before jumping back and dashes towards him and strikes him with gambol shroud before making 5 clones which do the same as Ruby rushes in and as a blur strikes Chill multiple times as Ren and Emerald begin unloading onto him hitting him in the face when Chill swinging his arm to block the bullets hits Ruby in the face and is about to fire at Ren and Emerald but Cinder using her pyrokinesis forms a bow from flames and fires a flaming arrow into Chills back which digs into his armour and causes him to turn and fire the blast at her but she dodges it and fires two fire blasts at him causing him to fall to his hands and knees as Nora is about to rush in but is stopped by Neo and Amber who both pull out tasers and Nora smirks as Chill tries to get back up but can't and he looks down to see a black glyph on the ground and turns to see Weiss who smirks as he then hears a scream and looks seeing Amber and Neo tasing Nora which he finds funny until he realises Nora's gaining power from it and once the tasers are out of juice Nora leaps into the air holding magnhild above her head "HAIL TO THE QUEEN!" shouted Nora as she brought the hammer down on Chill's head causing a shockwave which makes the other's stumble a little and causes the glyph to disappear though Weiss doesn't think that matters as the dust settles and Nora stands triumphantly over Chill lying face first on the floor her foot on his head as a cocky smile grows on his face though she is breathing heavily having taking a bunch of energy to do the move "so we won?" said Emerald "looks like it" said Ren who unfortunately wasn't quick enough to avoid a hug from Nora which again makes him unable to breathe as Emerald chuckles a little as she walks towards Cinder "huh would've expected this to be more a challenge" said Cinder "well we did do most of it" said Pyrrha "which doesn't make you better than me" said Pyrrha "ok I don't think now's the time to bring up your rivalry ok" said Amber "she has a point, but because you have this power doesn't make you better" said Pyrrha "ok listen- 'Amber clears her throat sternly' we'll discuss this later" said Cinder when everyone hears groaning and turn to see the cornel trying to get up but is unable to and is only able to get on his hands and knees "seems like you underestimated us even more huh?" said Jaune "I'll admit I have you are all truly formidable" said Cornel Chill "well yeah we were like a tornado of teamwork right there" said Amber "why did you say it like that?" said Weiss "well we were" said Amber "tornado.... good idea" said Cornel Chill "huh?" said Amber as Chill slammed his fists into the ground and his suit begins emitting cold steam "TUNDRA-NADO!" shouted Cornel Chill as suddenly large gusts of ice-y wind form around him into a tornado as the group attempts to stay standing Ruby, Jaune and Amber are sucked in with Cinder heading in voluntarily to rescue her sister as we go inside it to see the 4 going around it but Ruby then grabs a hold of some debris that got sucked in as the others get onto some debris as well "when will this guy just give up!" said Jaune when Amber gets an idea "Jaune, can you bounce me off your shield to the ground" said Amber "why?" said Jaune "just trust me" said Amber as Jaune nods and together they both jump with Jaune taking out crocea mors sheath and turning it into its shield form and aims the front towards the ground as Amber lands on it and jumps from it and lands on the ground 6 feet in front of the cornel as she charges a ball of energy in her hand and fires it at the cornel "wait is that a-" said Cornel Chill as the ball hits him and explodes sending him flying onto the ground and causing the tornado to disappear as Ruby and Cinder land safely but Jaune needed Pyrrha to catch him "are you ok Jaune?" said Pyrrha "yeah, just really cold" said Jaune "get a room already" said Cinder to herself as we go over to Ruby who's dusting herself off when Yang hugs her with her good arm "Yang?" said Ruby "well, I was just afraid you'd get hurt" said Yang "it's ok I'm fine" said Ruby as she returns the hug as Cinder and Amber look at it and Amber hugs Cinder "you know I figured you'd be fine" said Cinder "I know, I just felt like it" said Amber as Cinder returns the hug as we cut to  Cornel Chill and see him on the ground still conscious "how, how does she have the power of Ki?, I thought he said Ki did not exist here 'gets up trying not to make much noise' and what's worse the damage I've taken would make fighting Pyronica a suicide mission I need to get away from these brats 'gets an idea' aha" said Cornel Chill as he stomps the ground making his presence known to the others "are you serious!, you're still standing" said Emerald as the siblings let go of each other "yes, to tell you that.... 'everyone tenses up' I surrender" said Cornel Chill catching everyone off guard "HUH" said everyone "I surrender, you are all too much for me and I am willing to make this easier for all of us" said Cornel Chill "um, ok, glad we can-" said Ruby "frozen flare" said Cornel Chill as he emits a white flash blinding everyone and allowing him to begin running and as everyone gets their vision back Amber is just able to see him disappear into some trees "hey he's getting away!" said Amber "ok then let's get him" said Yang "we'll get him, you need to go to a hospital" said Weiss "so do I have to walk back through Grimm central?" said Yang "Blake can you take her back?" said Ruby "sure" said Blake as she and Yang walk away as the rest run after Cornel Chill but then Amber stops dead in her tracks as she hears, singing coming from another direction and despite wanting to follow her friends she feels compelled to follow the singing which she does slowly walking through the forest before going into a full sprint until finding herself in another clearing where a large square shaped arena with 4 spires on each corner lit with a strange flame stands and the singing stops, confused she steps towards the arena and steps onto it going into the middle "who built this?" said Amber when suddenly "mr sandman, bring me a dream, make him the cutest I've ever seen, give him two lips like roses and clover, and tell him that his lonesome nights, are over 'amber turns to see a slimy dark blue being behind her it had long twig like arms behind it's back and a cylinder shaped head with venom eyes and little black dots for pupils and a twisted grin stretching from one end of his face to the other, wearing a black metal fedora' hello friend" sung the owner of the voice.

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