Chapter 25

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3rd pov

Slice. Screech. Y/N Grabs one of the Executioners and slams its head into the floor as Amber Slices another in half.

Y/N: "I thought you said we were tasked to collect white Fang cobra scales. Not against these ugly things"

Amber: "Well, we never went that deep within the forest ya know," Said impaling another executioner

Y/N: "look, as long as there isn't something like a double booking then we should be fine"

Amber nods her head as the duo killed off the remaining executioners before heading deeper into the forest. Amber used the blade of her scythe to mark their path before hearing some screaming. Looking over in one direction they spot a group of three running while being chased by an executioner. Y/N rubbing his face lightly with a groan

Amber: "What are you planning to do?"

Y/N: "Help them of course, how many lives have to die within these woods?"

Amber: "Alright then, I'll come up from behind then"

Y/N nods as he ran ahead of amber who followed a distance behind him. Eyes watching the monster before Y/N spotted Almond Anacondas making themselves known.

Y/N: "Ah shit... Here we go again with the fucking snakes"

Slice. Time slows down. Eyes widened as blood and half a body flew through the air. One of the party members got sliced in half. Coming to a stop. Y/N watched the body hit a tree, lifeless. Gritting his teeth in anger.

Y/N: walked over to the dead body, kneeling, and covered the bird's eyes "May you rest in peace mate"

Y/N faces the executioner that killed the bird and glares

Y/N: "Eye for an eye"

Jump. Flying through the air as his arm gets coated in hardener blood. Punch. Crack. Y/N lands on top of the executioner with force. Enough to kill it upon contact. Panting lightly as it ripped the dead beast apart. Blood sprayed onto his body.

Rudues: "Y/N?"

Eris: "Amber!"

???: "Anaconda!"

Hiss. Y/N turns to face it. Drawing out his staff. Charging in a rage.

Amber: went over to the party "What happened?"

???: "Am-ambush, we didn't see the beast... Now-now gablin is dead..." looked over at his dead party member

Amber looked over and saw Rudues and his party

Amber: "Eris? Why didn't you help them?"

Eris: "Well, a certain someone wanted to wait..." glanced at the pale Rudues who looked like he shit himself

Amber: "... I'll let Y/N talk to you Rudues" Glared

Rip, hiss. The parties look over to see a blood-covered y/n standing on top of the dead anacondas. Blood slowly made its way into his body while he slowly made his way to Rudues. Grabbing him by the collar

Y/N: "You knew they were cornered and you did nothing!?"

Rudues stared at his bother with regret

Y/N: "If you didn't stand by, the bird could still be alive!"

Meanwhile with Amber and the other party

???: "He is really strong..."

Amber: "He is... Sorry about your friend tho"

In the background

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