chapter 23

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(This chapter shall be taking place during Volume 3 chapter 11 of the light novel as chapter 24 of the manga isn't showing up for me for some reason. Also, I might follow along chapter 12 of volume 3 of the light novel as well. Hopefully, this chapter goes well as you and Amber shall be doing your own missions and what not)

The sun shines down on the demon continent, we go over to Amber and Y/N relaxing on the shell of a great tortoise while it made its way across the continent. Bandages were wrapped around Y/N's chest from his battle against the snakes the week before. The healing factor of his magic may help him out, however, it was still gonna be a while for all the pain to subside all together.

Amber: "You know, you're lucky"

Y/N: "Really? Me. Lucky, yea right"

Amber bonks him on the head hard

Amber: "Damn right you were lucky! Do you have any idea how much blood you were using!? Not to mention the blood you used from the snake. Mmph!" Crossed her arms and looked away

Y/N: Rubbing the area she punched and sighs softly. "Yea... I guess I was lucky. I apologize Amber"

Amber: "It's fine Y/N. But tell me... Why did you absorb the snakes' blood?"

Y/N: "All blood is still useable during death before it becomes dry" Looked at his hand  "So I used it to make that red blood armor around me against the 2nd snake. Felt weird using the blood of a creature that tried to kill us" 

Y/N took out his nun-chucks and made the blade come out before slicing himself across the hand. Screaming in pain as he felt the blade pierce his flesh

Amber: "Y/N! What the hell are you doing!?"

Y/N: "How else do you expect me to learn how to use this power?"

Amber: "Oh I don't know. Maybe a different creature that isn't you!?"

Y/N: "Yea, I am well aware of that" looks at his hand as it heals rather quickly "I know I can absorb blood from others. I was also able to temporarily boost my speed through the blood flow. Guess I can find animals to use this on"

Amber: "Well. What about those coyotes? They should work nicely"

Y/N: "Probably inhumane tho"

Amber: "Fine bossy pants. I can make some rock dummies and you can practice on those. Sound good?"

Y/N: "That does sound better than me actually using animals"

Amber: "Gotta learn to use those powers one way or another"

Y/N: "Yea, I am well aware Amber. But with the way the blood is. Might be a challenge"

Amber: "I don't follow. What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Blood flows inside ya all no matter our form. Animal, human, or demon. Some say they are the blocks that makeup what we do. Tho the part of mana is more complicated to explain."

Y/N: "How do I put this. I can heal faster than normal and make some kind of armor around my body"

Amber: "So I have noticed"

Y/N: "Tho it also seems I have to eat more than I use to do energy-wise to not pass out as quickly"

Amber: "So I've noticed as well," Said looking away with a chuckle

Y/N: "Very funny Amber. Anyway... Guess I can absorb the blood of others. Maybe I can gain some of their abilities. Be it temporarily"

Amber: "Think it might be possible?"

Y/N: "I am unsure. I guess the blood within animals will differ a lot compared to us."

Y/N looked at his hand before using the blade to pierce his finger and allow some blood to flow out. He looked at the blood before making a small amount of it form into a ball.

Amber: "Y/N? What are you doing now"

Y/N: "The blood is made of various components, this includes the elements found within. Like oxygen and carbon dioxide that we breathe in and out. Water as well, small amounts of iron, nitrogen maybe. Hell, maybe I can even make my blood acidic if that is even possible"

Amber: "Wait wait wait. I can understand the oxygen and carbon dioxide along with the water. But how are the iron and nitrogen even gonna help?"

Y/N: "From what I have read on nitrogen." in mind "Glad you can even learn about the various basic elements"

Y/N: "Small amounts can't do much. But... Large amounts can well. Cause explosions"

Amber: "What!? Can you even do that!?"

Y/N gives her a deadpan look

Y/N: "Amber, I'm still learning how to use this power myself. There are so many possibilities to use this power. Aside from the basic element control, I can already do"

Amber: "But, even the basic form of element magic could be useful as those come in various forms don't they?"

Y/N: "You could be right on that part, but I doubt anyone aside from my brother would think of that. I mean. Air, water, Earth, and fire" Held up four fingers in his hand before showing a 5th. "And healing magic is somewhat of the basics I can learn so far in terms of the beginner in the magic ranking."

Amber: Grabs a hold of his hand "There are also other forms of magic that are unique to either one or only a handful of people. So think of this blood magic as your own. No one else might be able to use it."

Y/N smiled and held Amber's hands as well

Y/N: "Thank you for that Amber."

Amber: "You may be only able to use the basic of those four. But I believe your blood magic can improve over time into the higher ranks. Let's get go through the basics for now okay?"

Y/N: "Agreed. So for now the armor, regeneration, and weapon-making"

Amber: "About the armor. Aside from it forming outside your body. Maybe try forming it within your body as we. Double the protection maybe?"

Y/N: "It's a possibility Amber. Very well then, I guess let the training begin!"

Amber: "Yea!"

The duo chuckled softly and laid on the tortoise's back, planning their next course of action for training

A/N: and that's the chapter, I have a gut feeling it isn't much of a chapter for most. But it was something for now in the training of blood magic. Hope yall enjoyed it tho. Leave a comment and vote. Peace

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