- Twenty one

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We were given a three days leave from school due to the renovation that was being done on the walk way. The builders couldn't seem to do their job as they ought to do because of students that kept on meddling in their way.

Esther was more than happy for the three days break. She'd be having a good time with her mom at the beauty spar, something she's been looking forward to doing.

I'm not sure what James and his geeky gangs will be doing with their day off though but I bet studying was amongst the things in bucket list.

For me I'd be joining my mummy on this outreach program she will participating in. I'm gonna be her tag along, fun right? Why do I bother with these things anyways? Well, according to one of dad's famous quotes, there's no better way to live life than offering yourself in service to others.

The three days break kicked off on a Wednesday. It seemed to be like a usual Wednesday for me, the only difference was I wasn't going to school unlike the other Wednesdays. We had pancakes and tea the all time breakfast. Mom woked up much more earlier than the rest of the family, she had a lot on her plate to be done, it's never easy being a career wife and then also playing the house wife's role.

Dad Steve assisted mom in getting the table set for breakfast, how sweet of him.

Well, Simisola, she woked up really late, still looking exhausted from all the nights work. She really had an appetite you know, she ate like a horse with no brakes.


Mom drove us to the venue where the outreach was to be yield. I thought I was gonna be the only tag along but no, I was wrong. Marcus came along with us.

I brought my headphone along so I wouldn't get bored easily. Normally being in a moving car was something that easily got me bored.

I kept my eyes busy with a pamphlet I was reading about the occasion at hand.

"Mummy, what's this outreach about?" I had to know more. A pamphlet wasn't enough to gather enough information required.

"Well my dear, it more like a free medical thing?" She said looking forward and her bought hands on the steering wheel.

"Medical thing?" What was that?

She laughs.

"Well, I don't actually know how to really put it but we are gonna be giving free medical attention to people that can't afford it." She said with a smile. The one that said she tried with the unclear explanation.


"So it's like something you're being sponsored to do?" I add.

"Yep!" She said with a smirk.

"Who's the sponsor?" Why was I even asking this?

"Mrs. Beatrice Apiri, mam." Mom said teasingly.

"Who's that?" This is what happens when you ask questions that are uncalled for. You get to get answers that leads to other questions. Luckily for me, I wasn't the one doing the answering, just the questioning.

"The ehm, statesman's wife?" I asked remembering the conversation I had with Mrs. Nike.

"Clever girl, that's right!" She smiles.

" How did you know though?" I was expecting this.

" Mrs. Nike." I chuckle.

" Right. Mrs. Nike, she knows everything you know. She was once amongst our beneficiaries you know?"

" Yeah I know, she mentioned that."

During the entire chat, Marcus was busy streaming a show online. I bet his ears were deaf to our conversation.

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