Chapter 1

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After dancing with all of two suitors I make my way to the door again. I wonder where Lord... I don't know his name?!

How on this earth did I take the coat of a person whose name I do not even know. I scold myself so intensely that I bump into someone.

"Oh!" I gasp.


"Pardon my behaviour, my Lord. I beg your forgiveness for I wasn't focusing and I seem to have-"

"Miss, please. It is not only your fault. It is as much mine as it is yours. Though I do not mind the small mishap for now I have met a true beauty," he smiles down at me.

"Well, whoever she is, wish her well," I joke.

"And she has a sense of humour!" He exclaims happily.

"Forgive my rudeness, Miss. I am Lord Fransisco Phillips," he bows his head slightly then looks me in the eye.

"And I, Lady Grace," I imitate his previous actions with a slight smile.

"It is my greatest pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise, my Lord."

"Would you spare me the honour of a dance," He puts his hand in the air, ready for the taking.

"I shall."

After the first dance, another two followed. We talked, joked and laughed most of the night. He even mentioned considering me as his future wife. How pleasant a thought.

He is not a bad-looking man. Fairly tall, medium build, dark blonde hair and light eyes. I'm not sure whether it's green or blue.

However, I still find myself wondering about the looks of one particular kind of man whose coat I still have on.

"Miss Amberlynn, let us have a talk," Lord Phillips takes my hand and guides me off the dance floor.

"As you know, I find you very enticing. I would like you to consider my offer of marriage. With your blessing, I will then proceed to your father and ask for his blessing. Thereafter, I will ask you formally. This way I can spare myself the embarrassment if you reject my offer," he looks at me intensely.

"I... don't know what to say," I smile uncomfortably," It is most kind of you to do it this way. If I were to accept, what should I do now?"

"Well, you would remove your glove from your left hand. We would interlock our fingers and make our way to your father," he explains, a smile threatening to break out on his face.

I start removing the glove from my hand, but before I can move it all but an inch someone interrupts.

"Lady Grace?" A familiar voice speaks.

My head instantly shoots up in his direction, "Oh, wow! Look who we have here!" I say excitedly. He is even more handsome than I could have imagined.

"Miss Amberlynn, care to introduce us?" Lord Phillips suggests. That is when I realise I still don't know his name.

"This is-"

"Lord Damon Calvert," he says before Lord Phillips could notice my hesitation.

"And this is Lord Francisco Phillips," I introduce.

"If I presume correct, and forgive my presumptuous bluntness, you are the next Duke of Maryland, right?" Lord Phillips raises a curious brow.

Lord Calvert looks my way for a quick second before answering, "Yes, that is correct."

He is? Oh wow, I know someone with a higher title! Not that it really matters to me though, I just feel a little excited. I can't believe I have a friend who will be a Duke.

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