Part 3

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"Stop breaking your own heart

What do pregnant people wear any way this is fucking stupid was he just supposed to go to work and then come home but today was different changbin was supposed to go grocery shopping today but he had no one to help him he had bought a car finally ...

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What do pregnant people wear any way this is fucking stupid was he just supposed to go to work and then come home but today was different changbin was supposed to go grocery shopping today but he had no one to help him he had bought a car finally a few days ago with the money he had saved up

Oh was life kicking him in the ass and so was this baby fuck Hyunjin how dare he implant his child in him he should be jailed prick but he needed him today to help with his groceries so he had called and asked and of course he had said yes damn suck up

Changbin sat up as he heard a knock at the door he used the pillow to stable his balance before getting up

"Who is it?"

"It's me Hyunjin are you ready to go?"

"Yeah I'll just grab my keys"

"Your not driving I am "

"That's fine with me my feet hurt"

Changbin grabbed his phone before heading out locking the door"

Oh was this going to be a long ride he was already having a rough day the silence inside of the car the entire ride on the way to store was absolutely. Awkward it was the first time he had been in a car with him since what Hyunjin had did

"So what's it like having our baby inside of you"

"Its pretty normal most days then there's somedays I just want to sit at home and cry I feel really depressed sometimes I have terrible mood swings I'm always hungry and eating werid foods the baby has made me extremely picky but I can see where they get it from "

Hyunjin was extremely picky he loved to eat but he wouldn't just eat anything the silence had return but it not as awkward as before

Hyunjin was extremely picky he loved to eat but he wouldn't just eat anything the silence had return but it not as awkward as before

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"Can you hold my hand ?"


"It's comforting for me it's habit that grew overtime I like to hold peoples hands "

Changbin knew Hyunjin was lying shit anybody that knew Hyunjin knew he was lying Hyunjin hates physical touch and everyone knew this the birds the bees the sun everyone truth is Hyunjin had saw some guy gazing at changbin when they had first entered but why?'could he not see he was pregnant he was Hyunjin's omega and he wouldn't let anyone have him

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