I'm Sorry

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Nash's POV
I was alone, sitting in a chair next to Cassidy's bed. It's been 16 minutes, Cassidy should be waking up in a minute.

-1 minute-
Cassidy POV
My head was hurting. I started to wake up a little bit. Where am I?
"Hey Cass", I turn my head and see Nash to the right of me

"Hey. .um where am I?"

"You're in the hospital, you tried to kill youself last night"

The thoughts started coming back to me, I took 2 bottles of pills and everything was just a blur afterwards.

"Oh, yeah I remember now"

"Cassidy you promised me that you would never do this"

"I know, I'm sorry but-"

"No, I should be the one saying sorry, this is all my fault I ignored your feelings, I didn't pay enough attention to you, and worst of all I left you to deal with all the hate you were getting by yourself"

"Nash it's okay I un-"

"No it's not okay, Rebecca is right, I am a bastard, everything she said about me was right"

"You are not a bastard. . .you are a very sweet boy and I think you will do better once I check out the hospital"

"I swear once you check out of the hospital I'll be the most perfect boyfriend ever"

"You don't need to be perfect, just be you"

"I love you Cassidy"

"I love you too Nash"

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