Nash Grier

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Cassidy's POV

I went to broadway cause I felt like going to forbidden planet to get anime t-shirts. I was waiting for the bus then a pair of bright blue eyes came in contact with mine. He was staring at me. His eyes were so blue you can tell from faraway. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't sexy. The mystery boy interrupted our staring match by walking over here......oh shittttt, hell no I can' I started walking away. Maybe I'll take the subway train I hate the subway but it's worth not embarrassing myself. Just then I felt someone grab my arm. OH NO! I slowly turn around to see the boy with the bright blue eyes.

"Hi" he said
What the fuck, what do I say I don't know what to say I can't just stand here and nothing but I'm doing it anyways like a dumbass.

"Are you going to say something or.."

I decided to say something, I had to say something other wise he'll think of me as the girl that was across the street staring at him for 5 minutes.
"Um..yeah sorry hi"

"No don't apologize I'm Hamilton Grier but call me Nash" he said with a smile.
His smile is soooo adorable.

"Ha ha ok I'm Cassidy...Ortiz"

"Your face is red are you okay?"

Oh hell no I'm blushing...

"Oh my just....uh."

"No need to explain I know your blushing", he said with a smirk.

You have to be kidding me I have never blushed so hard in my life I think my face is going to explode from the amount of heat that rose to my cheeks.
The bus arrived.

"Well baby girl I guess that's your ride....and here", he said giving me a piece of paper

"It's my number call me so I can make those cheeks of yours even redder than this"

"But I don't even know you, you are basically a stranger"

"Which is why I gave you my number call it so we can get close" he said giving me a wink.

I blushed so hard.

He walked away giving me the call me sign and smiled.
I smiled back, I love his smile.

-End of Flashback-

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