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Nailiyah's POV
We checked on Cassidy and she was still sleeping. Matt took me outside because he knew it was a horrible sight for me to see.

"You okay babe?", Matt asked me

"No, one of my best friends tried to commit suicide", I said sitting down on a chair that was in the hallway
"This whole situation makes me wonder Matt"

"What's on your mind?"

"What if you do those things to me, what if you make me feel insecure, what if your fans hate me?"

"Why would you let this, make you think that I would do that to you, I would never do that to you, you are my princess and i would never ever make u feel that way and if my fans do have a problem with you than they are not one of my fans because what they say to you matters, and it can also trigger something in you. . .so don't you ever think negative thoughts about our relationship because we will stay together"

That was the most sweetest thing he said to me, I started crying.

"Hey, hey don't cry babygirl", he said embracing me into a hug

After a minute I pulled away and said "So. .together?", I asked

"Forever", he said with a smile

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