It's All Happening

Start from the beginning

    When you finally arrived home the two of you started unloading the car. Everything was now on the back patio and you unlocked the door and Toby started barking at you and Pelle. You started to pet him to keep him calm as Pelle began to bring in his equipment. When he finally brought in the last of it, he closed the kitchen door and walked over to you and gave you the biggest, deepest kiss that he's given you since he arrived in Colorado.
    "Thank you for all of this. It means a lot to me."
    "Well, you needed it. Please make sure you take it with you when you go back home." You told him.
    "Where should I set this up?"
    "I have a finished basement. It's a second living room for when my family is here, but there is a HUGE area that is empty. I think that you'll find it's more than enough room for you guys to practice."
    "You are amazing, do you know that?"
    "So I've been told." You said with a wink and a smile.
He started taking the gear downstairs and you began to make some supper for the two of you. It was a pretty brisk night out so you decided that you'd make some steaks for the both of you. You had been marinating them all day and you grabbed the bag you had them in and put it on the counter and when out to the patio and started the grill. You went back in the kitchen and started the rest of the dinner. Baked potatoes and a side salad. As you were cutting up the vegetables for the salad you heard a very loud growl and you sliced your finger. You screamed and Toby started barking which make Pelle come running up the stairs.
    "What's the matter babe?"
He saw you with a bloody towel around your finger and walked over to you and said,
    "It's ok. Let me see."
He took the towel off of your finger and breathed in and said,
    "Ouch! What happened?"
    "I heard a growl and I jumped, cutting my finger in the process."
Pelle looked at you and said,
    "Oops, that was probably me testing out my new equipment. I'm so sorry sweetie. It's really not too bad, look."
You looked at your finger and noticed that you had cut your second knuckle. Pelle put your finger up to his mouth and licked the blood. You sat there and watched him do this. He put the towel back around your finger and the two of you walked to the bathroom and he got out the bandages and took the towel off of your finger again. The bleeding was substantially letting up. Pelle once again put your knuckle up to his mouth and licked the blood. He used some antiseptic to clean the wound and dried it and put a bandage on it and kissed it.
    "There, all better!"
You looked at him and said,
    "Thank you babe."
He smiled at you and told you that he was going to hold off practicing until after dinner. You went back out to the kitchen and finished making the salad. Pelle went out to the patio and put the steaks on the grill for you and came back in and helped you with getting the baked potatoes in the oven. Then went to practice for a bit.

Once dinner was done cooking, you sat at the table that Pelle had set for you. He sat across from you and apologized once again for making you jump earlier. You told him not to worry. It really was your fault that you forgot that he was going to try the equipment out. What was going through your mind was the way he licked your blood and why your were so turned on by it, and why did you want him to do it again.
After dinner you and Pelle did your usual routine in the kitchen. It was one of your favorite times of the day as it was his. The two of you loved doing the dishes together, for some reason everything just seemed to click. The two of you talked so many times about how meeting through a fanzine meant that you were destined to be together. Otherwise, what were the chances that a Swedish man and an American woman would end up together without meeting face to face? It was kismet, neither one of us stood a chance against it. After the kitchen was done, you looked at Pelle and said,
    " Do you want to go downstairs and try out your new gear?"
    "Sure. If you'll come down with me." He held his hand out for you to take and you did. He led you downstairs and you sat on the couch with Toby. As he turned everything on you could hear the hum and slight echo from whatever the mic was picking up in the room. He grabbed the mic off the stand and started singing Freezing Moon. You laid on the couch watching Pelle thrash his head from side to side in between lyrics and once again watched in amazement at his beauty. Everything about him was perfect. His tall lean frame, his broad shoulders, his long limbs and fingers, his long perfect blond hair and his angelic face. You knew that at this moment in time, you were the luckiest woman in the world. You have found yourself the perfect man and he was completely in love with you and only you. When he finished the song, you said,
    "That sounded amazing!" Smiling at him.
    "Thanks," he said using his long fingers to remove the hair from his face.
The two of you spent quite a few hours downstairs so that he could rehearse. After he sang Funeral Fog, he looked over at you and turned off his equipment. He walked over to you and told you to move over so he could lay next to you. You moved forward making room for him behind you on the couch, he slid behind you and put his arm around you and buried his face in your in your neck and hair and breathed in,
    "You always smell so good, Michelle." He continued to nuzzle and sniff you, he even through a couple of kisses and little love bites in there. You began to giggle a little because his mustache tickled against your skin.
    "Roll over and face me, babe." He said.
You did as he asked, and were met with two beautiful blue eyes and a beautiful face. He smiled once you were facing him and you returned the smile. He moved his face closer to yours and the two of you laid on the couch kissing and talking until you both fell asleep in each other's arms.

When you awoke the next morning, Pelle was still sound asleep next to you with his arms around you tightly. You just lay there watching him. Using your fingers, you traced the edges of his face. You brushed his hair from his eyes and used your thumb and ran it across his soft lips. They looked perfect so you leaned in and kissed them as he lay there completely oblivious to what was going on in that moment. After you softly kissed him, you moved your lips down his chin to his neck and and began to softly kiss it as you wrapped his hair around your fingers. He began to stir, but that didn't stop you. All of a sudden, you felt a hand on the back of your head and felt a hum at your lips. You opened your eyes and they met Pelle's baby blues.
    "Good morning." He said smiling.
    "Good morning baby."
He kissed you softly on the lips and you asked,
    "Are you hungry?"
    "Let's get dressed and go grab some breakfast."
    "That sounds like a plan."
You smiled and the two of you got off the couch and went upstairs. Toby, who was laying on the floor in front of the couch followed you. Once you were upstairs, Pelle headed towards the bedroom to get dressed and you let your precious baby boy outside. You walked into the bedroom and Pelle was coming out of the bathroom. He came over to you and put his arms around you and kissed you on the forehead, you sighed and looked up at him and said,
    "I love you Pelle!"
    "I love you too Michelle." He hugged you tight.
    "Let's get dressed so we can get going. When we get back I need you to call Oystein and find out if they have anything planned for next week. If not I'm gonna fly them out a little early so we can show them around."
    "Alright babe."
The two of you got dressed, let Toby in and headed to the car and headed to a little Mom and Pop restaurant called the Hungry Bear for breakfast.

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