II: 1912

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{Part II of IV}

The following day, Jimin met Jungkook at the ship's restaurant... He is having a coffee while reading newspaper... From behind, Jimin was able to look at the young doctor's feature... He is taller and bulkier than Jimin, but with a face of teenage boy... He is also friendly and kind to all, considering his profession... He is way decent than Jimin himself; as he wasn't deceiving anyone with his opinion...

"Good morning Dr. Jeon..." Jimin bowed politely. "Do you mind if I join you for breakfast? Well, for thanking you about last night..."

Jungkook look up to him and smiles. "Can you remind me again what happened last night?" His tone is playful, something that both of them knows. "But sure, it will be my pleasure to have someone as cute as you for breakfast..."

Jimin blushes upon hearing the latter's words... He wasn't used to this kind of treatment, let alone attention... And although he also wanted to feel those things, it is inappropriate to feel attracted to someone he just met last night... So he brushed the latter's comment and sat in front of him, ordering his own breakfast...
"So uhm, do you have anything to do today, Mr. Jeon?"

The doctor looked to the owner of the voice. "Well, I was kinda hoping to spend some time wandering around the ship, maybe helping people with their medical needs too, who knows..."

"You're very kind to all... What will your girlfriend said when you decided to leave our land to work somewhere else?" Jimin asked again.

"Before I answer you, why do you think I have a girlfriend back there? Do I look like a committed guy?" He chuckled as he sips his coffee.

"So you're not?"

The latter place his newspaper down to finally face the young man in front of him... (And to give his full attention) Although he is younger than him, Jungkook knows how to appreciate beauty... "Well, I'm not... As a matter of fact, I never had a lover ever since; Not even once... But of course I already know why... Who would have want someone as poor as me? I don't even know who my parents are..."

Jimin only look at him silently but there's no hint of judgement in his eyes... In Jungkook's surprise, he also tear up upon hearing his story... "I-uhm... I'm sorry... I didn't know you experienced such painful memories... I thought you are from a family of doctors too, you know... I hope this journey would change your life for the better..."

"I'm sure it will..." Jungkook genuinely smiles. "It already changed after I met you..."


Following their meeting that morning, Jimin decided to tour the young doctor around the ship... He even met Jimin's mother, together with the wives of the noble men... They were all looking at Jungkook, judging him from everything... She hates him, like for real... Already treating him as if he shouldn't befriend her child for being a commoner... Jungkook didn't care at all, still being the nicest person Jimin had ever known... He didn't see people with their status, but with their personality...

"I think I should head back to my cabin, Jimin... I may not be able to read minds of other people, but I can see the way your mother see me, and I'm not stupid to believe that she can treat me way better than a house pet..." Jungkook smile sadly, disappointment visible in his face. "I hope for the best on your wedding... Please be happy and well... Goodbye..." He kissed the back of the hand of the smaller before he let go and walks away... Maybe their time together has come to an end...

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