"My beautiful girl." He cracked a half smile and let his eyes fall shut again. One of his hands found my face and he rubbed his thumb against my cheekbone.

"I can't believe you did... so much for me. And I had no idea." I whispered, letting my eyes fall shut, too. "How did you ever get away with all of it?" I tried pressing him with more questions.

"As much as I love your always insightful questions," he told me in an annoyed manner as he slipped his clothes off under the blanket so he was left in his boxers. "Can you maybe be nosey tomorrow night? When all of this is actually over and I have slept properly." He told me.

"That's all you've done already!" I laughed at him, and a sly smile pulled on his tired lips.

"When you take the killing curse like a champ, you tell me how your chest feels after." He laughed weakly at me. "I'll tell you more in the morning, baby. I'm beat." He mumbled and turned towards me. His breathing slowed and his lips parted slightly as he drifted off into a deep sleep quickly.

"So, it's only been 2 days, and you're sure they all still think I'm dead?" I asked the group that sat around the kitchen table and ate their breakfast.

"He sort of had a party to celebrate right after. It was brutal for us to attend, to say the least." Gregory scooped another serving of eggs on to his plate. "But you can't blame him. I mean, it was real. You were dead. Both of you were dead." He stared at me like I was still insane.

"I'm going there. Tonight. I'm going to my manor, and I don't want any of you to come with me while I try to kill him." I blurted out and stared at my plate. "The prophecy didn't mention any of you. Just me. I have to do it alone, it's the only way." I finally met all of their tired eyes.

"I guess we can't argue." Blaise sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Just, I have one favor to ask, and I'm not sure any of you will really like it..." I continued, and Blaise let out a laugh.

"You act like the last year hasn't been full of ridiculous requests and favors. What's one more for the list?" He teased. I bit the inside of my cheek and peaked at him once more.

"I need you to kill the snake for me. Well, Draco. I need Draco to kill the snake. I don't care how, but I know he knows what he's doing. You just have to keep him from trying to go with me, and someone has to kill the bloody snake." I begged them.

"Is he still sleeping?" Narcissa asked quickly to get out of the conversation. "I think I'll just go-"

"No, he's not still sleeping." Draco's hoarse voice mocked her behind me from the doorway. I turned to look at him, shirtless and in a pair of pajama pants, hair sticking up at all angles, rubbing his eyes with his fists.

"Mate, you could've at least put a shirt on." Vincent pretended to cover his eyes and look away.

"You're in my house!" He argued back.

"Wicked scar." Gregory breathed as he did the exact opposite and stared at Draco's chest.

"Piss off," Draco scoffed. "Take a picture and it'll last longer." He muttered.

"Well, aren't you just so chipper today." Narcissa chuckled as she stood and met him by the door. "I'm so glad you came back." She whimpered while her arms wrapped around him.

"Mother," he groaned from her affections.

"Godric, I don't think I can handle any more scars across this chest." She said as she looked at him. "Then you'll continue to cover yourself in these silly tattoos," she started to scold him.

"They aren't silly, they're cool." He defended. "Emmy got one, too! Didn't you, Emmy?" He tried pointing the blame on me with a smirk.

"Emelia?!" She gasped. "See what your influence has been doing-"

"Promise me." I whispered to Blaise who turned his eyes to mine while everyone else was distracted. "Blaise, I love you. Promise me you'll have him do this for me." I begged quietly.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Draco chuckled, lifting me from my seat from behind and sliding himself under me. His arms wrapped around my waist and he tucked his face into the side of my neck. "I missed you this morning, sweet girl." He whispered against my skin while I still stared at Blaise.

Blaise looked back and forth between the two of us before he nodded his head once in agreement.

"What are you thinking about?" Draco brushed my hair to the side and I realized I had been staring at the tablecloth in front of us for a number of minutes.

"You." I lied with a smile.

"Ohhh. Bit of a charmer this morning, aren't we?" He teased me and pulled my back further into his chest. "How'd I get so lucky with you?" He whispered into my ear, but I had zoned out again as I thought about the night that lied ahead.

Entrapment | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now