Favorite Candy

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"You like you've seen a ghost!" A sour voice snarled.
Well, minutes ago, my friendly co-worker, confesses his feelings for me. I do feel rather odd.
I shake my face and laughed. "Sorry."
She laughs and settles down her designer purse off to the side.
"You seem like a crazy person!" She joked as she sits.
I smile. "I am bonkers."
"Eh?" She raises a brow.
I lean in and whisper in her ear. "All the best people are."

"So why did you want to see me Brie?" She asked. I guess I spooked her a bit. "Tell me now. I have a meeting after this."
"Describe Randy for me." I ask.
She bites her lip and takes a sip of her champagne.
"Your in love with him. Aren't you?"
I freeze."I don't know. I just want to get to know him. From his exes point of view."
She giggles and crosses he legs. "I'm not his ex. I was his favorite candy."
"Randy used me as 'his kill time' when he was on the road. Even though he was a married man at the time, it didn't bother me."
"His wife knew about our affair, but she didn't care. She just wanted to stay with him. Even if he was a cheater."
She laughed and looked at her drink and played with her straw. "We even once had a threesome."
"Ew." I scoffed.
She looked at me. "Well, remember. Randy treats every girl, like his favourite candy."
She cupped her face into her hands and stared at her plate. "His favorite candy. First he loves you and admires you for a while... Then he makes you fall in love with him... then. He breaks your heart. He treats you like candy. First he makes you feel like your his everything! Then he, finds something knew. So he finds a new Favortie candy."
Her words were stinging me. "I don't want to be Randys favorite candy." I whisper.
I was already Bryans. I don't want to go through that pain anymore.
"Then dump him. Before he dumps you."

Should I? Wait why am I believing her opnions about him. Maybe she's right. Omigod. He is a beast. But, every beast turns into a prince right? Well how long will it take

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