023 | i won't lie anymore

Start from the beginning

"You could have treated yourself to first class, I don't know," she shrugged, her hand soon going to her lips as she started picking at them. "did you have a show today?"

"No, tomorrow's our first show.." he explained, "then from tomorrow night till New York we'll be on the bus at night, driving to the next city- there might be one other city we're at a hotel for, I'm not quite sure."

"mh.. I can't sleep," she blurted out before falling into silence again.

"It's only like nine there, isn't it?" Jack said in a confused tone. "If you can't sleep right now that's fine."

"no like I came home yesterday and fell asleep again at like ten then didn't wake up till like ten-pm and I haven't sleep since.." she babbled, "and like I kinda feel tired but whenever I close my eyes I can't seem to fall asleep cause my brain's too busy thinking about you.."

"awe," he smiled at her.

"But not like thinking about you, it's more like worrying that you're going to leave me and worrying about what you're up to and like if somethings going to go wrong between us- it's stupid, I know."

"It's not stupid, I think about you all the time as well. Was things like this when I went to Hawaii?" he asked while softly furrowing his brows, receiving a nod from her. "How come you never mentioned that you couldn't sleep when we were talking about it?"

"Cause it's stupid."

"It's not though," he continued to reassure her. "Let's talk about it now then, how did you cope then?"

".. I got really drunk, here by myself, so I would pass out," she confessed, mumbling a lot of her words together. "and I don't want to do that this time."

"oh Adalyn.." he softly sighed. "Why did you then tell me you've stopped drinking and that you haven't drunk since your birthday? Please be honest with me."

"It was easier to lie than have you think I'm dependant on alcohol.."

"I was quite dependent on alcohol last night to be honest," he mentioned in goes to make her feel slightly better. "But anyway, you seem to lie to me often.. and usually about things I wouldn't really care if you told me.."

"What do you mean often?" she slightly tilted her head as she looked at him.

"The whole plan B situation that happened last week.." he reminded, watching her roll her eyes at him. "I know why you didn't want to take it but why didn't you just tell me that instead of promising me that you would?"

"I didn't want to take it because last time I had taken it I spent like three days in bed, terrible pain, not wanting to do anything.. and one, I didn't want to spend my last week with you like that and I also had Ellie so I couldn't spend a week like that. And two, I'd rather be pregnant than deal with that."

"I kinda wish you would've just told me that instead of lying.."

"I'm sorry.." she sniffled slightly. "I'm promise I won't lie anymore."

"Okay.." he subtly nodded as the couple fell into a small state of silence. "So.. have you taken a test then."

"Most tests won't show positive till about two to three weeks afterwards," she shrugged. "It probably hasn't been enough time yet. And plus the other day, we didn't use protection any of those time so even if it is negative from the one night who knows what it could be from the other times since then."

"Right.. so if you wait till New York, then you can take it while I'm with you and then it'll rule out all those times," he more so suggested.

"I guess.."

"Can you just please keep me updated on yourself and everything going on so then I'm not worrying about the possibilities..?"


"Thank you," he smiled, quickly glancing at the current time on the top corner of his phone then back at her in the centre of the screen. "Well it's getting late here and I'm kinda tired, done a lot today, and have a lot on again tomorrow so I think I should go and get some sleep.."

"I love you, and you can call me anytime you want, I'll get back to you as quick as I can," he continued while he started making his way back up the few stairs to his level. "Or fly to me, whatever you want to do, I don't mind."

"I love you too.."

"Get some sleep gorgeous."

"I'll try.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


it's been a month since i published
the intro and we're already over 1/3

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