Chapter 8

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A few hours later
Lapis, Peridot, Amethyst, and Sophia are sitting on the couch watching Camp Pining Hearts. Lion is laying on the floor next to the couch and Willow is chilling on the coffee table. While Pearl, Bismuth, and Garnet are in the kitchen room chatting with each other. Sophia's phone buzzes next to her she picks it up and see a message from Millie.
Hey Soph.

Sophia 🌺💖
Hey Millz

You feeling any better?

Not really. But I think it's
only because the gems asked
me how my day was and
I lied and said it was fine .

And why are you doing that?
You know they can help if you
tell them what happened !

I can fight my own battles Millie!

Sophia Universe! Why are
you so gosh darn stubborn?!

I'm not stubborn!

Yes you are. Clearly acting like everything's fine
isn't working because you still feel bad.
It's time to be honest.
Sophia reads the last message and she puts her phone down and continues to watching Camp Pining Hearts. Then the warp activates and she turns to see her parents had arrived.
"Hey Mom! Hey Dad!" Sophia says giving them each of them a hug.
"Hey munchkin!" Steven greets.
"Hey sweetheart, how was your first day of school?" Connie asks.
"It was great!" Sophia replies.
"How are Mason, Millie and Elise?" Connie asks. Both her and Steven notice Sophia's body language change from relaxed and open to very tense & closed off.
"They're fine Mom!" She replies.
Trying to change the subject as fast as possible Sophia continues "Hey Dad. Um could I possibly make my own lunch from now on?" Sophia replies looking at the floor. "Of course munchkin." He replies and Sophia's body relaxes before her father can ask "But why the sudden change? Did someone say something?"
Sophia stays silent and her body tenses up again as she continues to stay at the ground.
"Sophia?" Steven asks again. Sophia's eyes don't leave the floor and her body tenses even more.
Connie turns to the gems and says "Could you guys give us a minute?"
"Of course" Pearl answers getting up from her chair and head to the door. Bismuth and Garnet follow. Garnet grabs the remote and turns off the tv. "What the heck Garnet?" An annoyed Amethyst asks.
"Outside now." Garnet replies in an stern yet calm tone.
"Okay." Lapis, Amethyst, and Peridot reply as they get up from their seats and follow the other gems outside. Sophia falls to her knees and shifts to a seated position."Sophia is everything okay?" Connie asks sitting down next to her.
"I don't want talk about it." Sophia mumbles still looking at the floor with tears starting to fall.
Steven sits down across from Sophia and says in a calming tone "Sophia, you can talk to us. Its okay."
"But it's not okay! Elise has been being really mean to me for like two months! It started right before Millie and Mason left for Florida island. And of course she just had to say something nasty at lunch today! And it-" Sophia says before she stops herself surprised at what was about to come out of her mouth.
"It what?" Steven asks.
"I can't say it. You'll be mad at me." Sophia replies.
"We won't be mad at you sweetheart." Connie says. "It made me not want to be her friend anymore." Sophia mumbles.
"What happened at lunch?" Both of her parents ask.
"Elise, Told me that I shouldn't have my lunch made for me with special notes like a child.
Then she took the note crumbled it up and threw it at me. Luckily Millie and Mason were there told her off and made her leave. But I didn't say anything...I just froze. I was so hurt and upset that all the negative thoughts started swarming.
Even the spinel stuff started swarming! And it won't stop I feel so overwhelmed and confused.
All I wanted to do was enjoy my lunch made by the best dad in the universe I couldn't do that because of her. And I know what I need to do but I don't want to loose one of my oldest friends. And I know you guys are friends with her parents and I don't want to ruin that for you guys. I'm sorry." Sophia answers with tears streaming down her face.

"Sophia, if someone is being mean to you that's not okay. Regardless if they're your friend. No one ever deserves to be treated like that. Do you understand?" Connie responds as she places a hand on her daughter's shoulder.

Sophia looks up at her mom and nods.

"And just because some of our friends have kids your age it doesn't mean that you have to be best friends with them. Of course we want you to be nice to them. But if they start being mean to you like Elise has been come and tell us. I promise we will never be angry with you." Her dad adds.

"Okay. Thanks for helping me talk through this." Sophia replies as she hugs her parents.

"Anytime sweetheart." Her parents respond returning the hug.
Time skip brought to you by the author being lazy!
Steven was making dinner for himself, Connie, Sophia, & Amethyst. While Sophia was upstairs talking to Millie. Connie filled the gems in on the whole Elise situation. To say the gems were upset that someone was being mean to Sophia was an understatement.

"Who does that clod think she is!?" Peridot says completely outraged.
"We'll teach her not to be mean to our Sophia!" Lapis angrily adds.
"Hold on guys. I'm sure it's being handled. It is being handled right? " Amethyst says turning to Connie looking for an answer.
"Yes." Connie responds.

Then Steven finishes making dinner and then he calls upstairs "Sophia! Dinner time!"
"Coming!" Sophia responds.
After a moment Sophia comes downstairs & sits at the table while smiling her phone.
"Who ya talking too?" Amethyst asks with a big smirk on her face. "It's just Millie." Sophia says as a huge blush comes across her face.
"Ooooooo, Someone's in love~" Amethyst teases.
"Amethyst! We are just friends!" Sophia says as her blush intensifies.
"Okay." Amethyst says in a sarcastic tone.

After dinner Sophia is chatting with Lapis, Amethyst, and Peridot. Steven and Connie look at the time and then at each other. "Alright Sophia time to go." Connie says getting up from the table.
"Aww!" Sophia complains.
"You'll see them tomorrow munchkin."
"I know." Sophia replies picking up Willow and putting her on her shoulder.
The trio says their goodbyes to the gems and then warps home.
Hey guys,gals,& non-binary pals!
Sorry for the lack of  updates recently. School has started back up for me and I've been focusing on that. I'm excited to share this story with all of you I'm just letting you know that there with most likely be a little wait from one chapter to the next! Anyway stay amazing & I'll see you in the next chapter! ☺️⭐️🌺💖

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