Chapter 6

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Three boring class periods go by. As Sophia heads to her next class she meets up with millie as they walk to their next class.
Millie says "Hey Soph! How were your first three classes?" Sophia replies "Slow, I must say didn't miss the first day of class spiel. I'm just happy that the rest of my classes with you and Elise." Remembering something Millie asks "Is everything alright between you two? You were acting weird earlier." Sophia hesitantly replies "Not really. Ever since you and Mason left for Florida Island she's just been really mean to me. I didn't to say anything because I didn't want to cause drama." Hearing this made Millie's smile fade and her fists tighten. In a very serious and almost protective tone she replies "Elise may be our friend but that doesn't make it okay for her to be mean to you! If she says anything nasty to you I'm shutting it down! No one treats my Sophia like that!" Sophia's face goes red as her heart skips a beat as she thinks to herself "She just said I'm her Sophia. Does that mean she could be my Millie? No! Snap out of it Sophia! You are just friends!"
After she snaps back into reality Sophia places her hand in Millie's as she replies "Okay Millz, Let's calm down." Millie who's face is just as red nervously replies "R-right, sorry. I just don't want you to be treated like that." "I know, thanks for being a great best friend." Sophia says as they walk into class and sit down next to each other.

After a moment Sophia feels someone tapping her shoulder. She turns around and she's the girl behind her leaning towards her with starry eyes and a huge smile. "Are you Sophia Universe?" The girl asks. "Yes, and you are?" Sophia questions.
The girls smile gets even bigger as she replies "I'm Cassie and this is Emma."
Then she turns to Emma and says "See I told you it was her!" "Oh boy! Here comes the questions about dad." Sophia thinks to herself."I love your music!" Emma says. Sophia asks in a confused tone "My music?" Cassie pulls out her phone out and shows Sophia a video of her preforming at little homeworld "Yeah! Isn't this you?"
"Yes it's me. But where did you find that video?" Sophia asks. "It's all over social media. But the original video is on tube tube." The Cassie replies as the bell rings and class starts.

About halfway through the period Sophia's mind starts to wonder. She was still listening and paying attention but in the back of her mind she was panicking about the video. "I only preformed because I only thought people at the party would  see it. But now it's everywhere! Is that why everyone was looking and whispering in the halls? Why did I think that sharing my song was a good idea?!" Sophia thinks to herself as she unconsciously starts fidgeting with her hands. Millie notices this after a moment and takes her left and give it a gentle squeeze as she rubs Sophia's knuckles with her thumb. Sophia starts to calm down but she doesn't let go of Millie's hand.
Eventually the bell rings and class ends and the pair heads to the cafeteria for lunch. The pair enters the cafeteria and they spot Mason and Elise. Millie let's go of Sophia's hand and she goes and sits across from her brother & takes out her lunch and starts eating. Sophia follows and sits next to Millie and across from Elise. She takes out her lunchbox and opens it to find a note that reads

'Hey munchkin, Hope you have a great first day! I made your favorite pb&double j! I hope you like it! -Dad⭐️'
Sophia smiles after she finishes reading it and she puts it on the table as she starts eating her lunch. "Sophia, is it true-" Mason tries to ask before he's interrupted
"Aren't you a little old for your daddy to be making your lunch with a special note for his little daddy's girl!" Elise scoffs as she holds the note and then crumples it and tosses it back to Sophia. Sophia catches the crumpled paper ball as her smile quickly fades and she looks at her lap trying to smooth the note back out.
"Elise, What the hell?!" Mason says in angered tone. "Calm down! It was just a joke. Sophia liked it!" Elise replies with an attitude.
"Does it look like Sophia found it funny!?!" Millie replies angrily as she motions to Sophia who is still trying to smooth the note out.
"Ugh! Can't any of you take a joke?"Elise asks in an annoyed tone.
"No because it wasn't a joke. You were just being mean to Sophia for no reason! Friends don't treat each other like that!" Millie angrily replies.
"So you either you apologize to Sophia or you can find somewhere else to sit." Mason angrily adds.
"Fine! If you three are gonna be that sensitive I'll leave." Elise angrily replies as she picks up her things and leaves the table. The trio watched  her
"Are you okay Sophia?" Millie asks.
"Yeah, I'm sorry." Sophia replies.
"Don't be sorry you did nothing wrong!" Millie says as she takes Sophia's hand.
"Yeah! Elise was the one who was being a clod! Please don't tell Peridot I said that." Mason adds.
"Your secret is safe with me" Sophia giggles
"Is this why you didn't tell her about your gem?" Mason asks. Sophia nods and asks "Can we talk about something less depressing?"
"Sure! Let's go back to what I was going to ask before I was rudely interrupted. Sophia, Is it true that you know Shep and Sadie Miller!" Mason says excitedly. "Oh yeah! My dad has known Sadie for a long time and I think he met Shep when he was a teenager." Sophia replies.
"That's Awesome! Is it also true that you performed after them at a concert last night with your own song?" Mason asks. "Yeah." Sophia replies sheepishly. "That's incredible!" Mason responds. Then the bell rings and the trio separates and heads to their next classes. The rest of the day went on smoothly. A few more people recognized Sophia from the video and Millie and Sophia tried to stay away from Elise as they didn't want anymore drama for the day.
Finally the school day ended and Sophia and Millie went to the bus and sat across from Mason. Then the buses left the school and after a short journey the trio gets off the bus.
"Okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Sophia says as she hugs Millie and then Fist bumps Mason.
"Bye Soph!" Mason replies.
"Bye Soph. Text me later okay?" Millie says
"You got it Millz." Sophia replies.
Then the trio goes their separate ways.
After a five minute walk Sophia arrives in front of her house. She starts to walk to the front door but she's stopped by lion who nuzzles her and licks her face. "Hi buddy." Sophia says as she hugs him. Lion continues to nuzzle and give her kisses. "Thanks buddy, I had a little bit of a rough day and I really needed this." Sophia says.
After a moment Sophia let's go of lion pets his head and then heads inside as lion follows her.

Sorry for the abrupt ending!
See you all in the next chapter!

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