Chapter 4

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Back at the house Sophia wipes away her tears. Then grabs one of the succulent off the windowsill and some of her tears accidentally fall into the soil. She places the pot on to the table then turns to get some water. When she turns around she sees an empty pot.
"What the?" Sophia says to herself.
Sophia hears a tiny high pitched noise as a small creature comes out from behind From behind the empty pot.
Then the small plant creature thing comes to where Sophia could see it. Sophia involuntarily screams then stumbles backwards and falls to the ground but lion breaks her fall. Sophia slowly gets up & stares back at the small creature standing on the table.
"Are you seeing this to lion?" Sophia asks as she turns to her furry friend.
Lion nods and Sophia lets out a sigh of relief "Okay good. I'm glad I'm not loosing my mind."
Then the small creature happily says "Hello!"
Sophia who is still in shock asks "You can talk?"
"You can understand me?" The small creature replies.
"Would I be talking to you if I couldn't" Sophia answers with a nervous laugh.
"I guess not." The small creature replies.
"I'm Sophia by the way. Sorry for creating you. And sorry for screaming I didn't know I had powers." Sophia says in a welcoming tone.
"it's okay." The small plant creature replies.
"What's your name?" Sophia asks.
"I don't have one." the plant creature answers.
"Well, then we will just have to find you one." Sophia replies. She thinks for a moment and then asks "What about Ivy?"
The small creature shakes her head no.
"Okay, What about something like Willow?" Sophia says.
"Willow, I like it! It's so pretty!" The small creature says with a smile on her face.
"It's a great fit!" Sophia replies.

Just then the warp pad activities scaring Willow causing her to start shaking. Sophia picks her up and brings her to her chest.  "It's okay. It's just the warp pad. Don't be scared." Sophia says trying to comfort her small new friend. Steven and Connie are standing in the door way as Steven asks "Sophia, who are you talking to?"
Startled by the sudden presence of her dad's voice she answers "Dad! Mom! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have yelled at you and shouldn't have stormed off like that. I know you were just trying to keep me safe and I'm really really sorry."
Placing his hands on his daughter's shoulders Steven replies "Sophia it's alright. I shouldn't have kept it from you. I should have told you sooner."
"Then I guess we're both at fault huh?"sophia says with a small smile.
"Seems like it" Steven replies
They both laugh.
Connie notices that Sophia's hands are cupped against her chest and asks "Sweetheart, What's in your hands?" Sophia looks down at her hands cupped against her chest and whispers "Do you wanna say hi?"
After a short pause she says "Okay."
Then she walks over to the table and places her cupped hands on the table as says "Mom & Dad there's someone I'd like you to meet." She opens her hands letting the small creature stand on her own and continues "This is Willow. I accidentally brought her to life with my tears. Please don't freak out."
The biggest smiles come across both of her parents faces and the next thing she was wrapped in a hug from both of her parents.
After a moment the Silence is broken by
Sophia who states "Okay, I'm very confused from that reaction. What is going on?"
"Munchkin, It looks like along with a piece of my gem; you may have also inherited some of my powers as well." Steven replies.
"Woah! Wait, will I get any other powers?" Sophia asks with stars in her eyes.
"We don't know yet. We're just going have to wait and see. But no matter what happens especially if it's with any new powers we will be here for you." Her mother answers.
"That's right. We love you Sophia." Steven adds.
Sophia replies "I love you guys too." She yawns then continues "Today has been crazy and I'm so tired so I'm going to bed. Come on Lion. Good night!"
"Good night" the pair responds.
She goes to leave the kitchen but hears a little voice yell "Hey! Don't forget me!"
Sophia turns around and goes and picks up Willow. "Sorry Willow!" Sophia says.
"It's Okay! Just please don't
forget me again! I have little legs and can't move very fast." Willow replies
"Don't worry I won't." Sophia says in a assuring tone. Then she goes to her room and goes to sleep. Steven turns to Connie and asks "Was it just me or did she seem to understand what Willow was saying."
"No, it definitely seemed like it. I'm guessing that you can't understand with your plant creations." Connie says in a questioning tone.
"Nope. Except for Cactus Steven." Steven answers. "Interesting" Connie replies. Then the pair decided to call it a night.

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