pt 2 of re-write

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I smiled and went even deeper in the water i then saw her drowning i was shocked but i snapped out of it quickly and swam down and got her and swam to the surface but i was very slow because of the extra weight of another human so i used my wings to propell me forward when i got to the surface i kept using my wings to push me forward even tho it hurt i then flew as fast as i could back to nezu when i get there he goes to ask about my tail i hold up my hand and start doing cpr it worked she coughed up so much water i then picked her nezu and the jacket up and flew so goddam fast back to u.a i think it there is a speed limit to how fast you can fly i would definitely of broken it when i get there i drop nezu down to the ground with aizawas jacket and speed off to recovery girls office

Present izus pov

When i got to recovery girls office i rushed in (his tail has also split in the middle as he needed to run so he has no fin and it just looks like he has fish scales for pants because it destroyed his clothes) and asked the closest person "HELLO hello where is recovery girl i need to see her immediately!" The person looked shocked and said "yes im recovery girl how can i help you dearie?" "So im a student here and dropped her at the beach (LIES) i came back to it and found her drowning" i say whilst putting her on a bed that i followed recovery girl to recovery girl gave her a kiss to heal her she turned to me looked at me then said "sir could you follow me i need to give you something" "uh sure?" i say as i follow her out of the room she then takes me to the storage room and pushes me and her in and closes the door turns around and says "kid there are no microphones or cameras in here now tell me what really happened" "well i can see a camera in the top right corner and can hear the crackling of a small microphone behind your right ear so no i will not tell you- well nezu knows anyways the only thing he might do is show the teachers so they know my quirks so i am Izuku Midoriya my age is 16 i have seven or eight quirks i have two mums and a bio dad who i have met for two years of my life and in those two years he abused me and my biological mother who is dead she got killed by a villain who tried to kill me i then ran away before i could and bumped into Mama also known as Midnight and her wife Ms. Joke is my mami they are my now mother's and my quirks are:

Fallen angel: pretty much as it sounds but i can swap between my wings being white or black when i want

Drawbacks: None

Dragon: when i feel alot of emotion i will change into the dragon so the colours depend on my emotion so green = disgust etc

Drawbacks: None"

im not gonna write the rest of them but in short he can talk to shadows and light creatures and summon them at will he can change into a animal any animal mythical or not suiting to the situation he can take and make quirks and has a really high IQ of 260 but as he doesn't want to seem like he is above his class he tells the teachers to give him lower scores on tests then what he is meant to have (they never do they just read out the wrong numbers for it) he can also control animals like koda but with mine instead of just alive animals he can also control dead animals like skeletons of dinosaurs  (i think thats who it is if im wrong pls correct me) he also said how he and denki kaminari, Mina Ashido, kirishima Ejiro have all been friends since izu was little he also has a mermaid quirk from his mother side of the family well his mothers grandparents it just skipped Inko and went to him instead and since it skipped her it was really strong for him also my eyes change colour Drawbacks for all: 


 Idk as i havent hade it that long

Animal Control

Drawbacks: if over used the user will fall into a sleep like coma and not wake up rn izus limit is 56 hours but if he goes over that say 60 hours he will be in a coma for the amount of time he over used the quirk

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