Whilst me and heaks were flying dabi toga away toga said "wait izu you called me mum" "i wha- uh n- i uhhhh no i did not your hearing things" hawks and dabi then chimed in by saying "YES YOU DID WE HEARD IT" so i yelled back "UH NO I FCKING DIDNT NOW JUST SHUT UP WE ARE HERE" right as we landed my vision went blurry and i saw toga dabi and hawks walking off then my vision went fully black and i fell all i remember is waking up in a bright white room and really loud beeping so i opened my eyes to see machines conneted to me and wires everywhere so i ripped them out obviously then the beep sound became louder then i remeeber getting up and punching it so it stopped and stumbling out of the room i was in and seeing someone and saying hello yes ma'am help where am i" "well you sir are a patient that should be in bed so come on back to bed" she then pushes me back to my room and takes a look at what i have dont and says "come on your moving room" while we are walking down the hallway i see toga and dabi and zawa i run up to them with the nurse yelling "SIR SIR SIR YOU HAVE TO GET BACK HERE SIR"  i gave zawa the biggest hug ever and gave him a kiss.

The end....?

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