Chapter 12: Hopes and Promises.

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Sodor... A place where mages roam and the most unbelievable of creatures live. For many reasons, some going hand and hand with these facts, the school of the Sudrian Magecraft Academy exists. Training and helping mages improve their abilities and their skill. The top class, class A is the class of Thomas Billinton, as well as his childhood friend Lady Stone. During their first weeks, they had been through a lot together with their friends and classmates from Class A. However, even with them being Statistically best, the lower classes would try and prove otherwise, especially in an event that was coming straight towards them.

A week since their extracurricular assignment with the dragon, Thomas had been keeping a close eye on Lady daily. Even though she seemed to be walking fine, Thomas still didn't take any chances. Especially since Allen had struck her pretty hard.

"Thomas! Calm down already! I'm fine!"

"I don't care!" Thomas replied back. "I'm not going to stop until you don't need so many bandages wrapped around you!"

Percy groaned as he sat in front of them at the lunch line. 

"Could you both for once quiet down and STOP acting like a married couple?"

The term married couple made Thomas and Lady freeze as they began to blush violently.

"Uh oh." Rosie then giggled as she whispered to Percy. "I think you broke them, Percy."

"Well, Thomas did tell me that he had feelings for Lady," Percy whispered and chuckled back. "I guess I might've struck a nerve back there."

Both teens in pink and green laughed while Thomas and Lady fumbled about in embarrassment. Even with their feelings for one another realized, they are still yet to find the right time to admit them to one another. As Lady then took a seat with the other girls of her class, Thomas sat down next to Edward, knowing very well that he could trust him on the present topic within his mind and that Lady was far enough away to not be able to hear.

"So! Any idea on how you're going to confess?" Edward questioned.

Thomas sighed as he poked his food with his fork.

"Not exactly. Sure, it is just me and her at the dorm at the end of the day, but it just doesn't feel right there. Also, I'd doubt that I would get another extracurricular like the last one anytime soon, so a starry night confession is out too."

"You could try during the festival." Edward then suggested. "I mean, we will all have a chance to visit the different booths there."

"Festival? What are you..." In that millisecond, Thomas realized IT. "The festival! The Summer festival that the SMA has before the fall semester! Gosh! I completely forgot about it!"

Edward chuckled as he patted Thomas's back. 

"Lucky for you that I put down EVERY school event on my calendar. And, uh, don't worry so much when confessing to Lady during the festival. As a Knapford citizen, I went there with Tara about a year back and our confession went pretty well. When you have the chance, just take the time to spend with her as well as to have some fun."

"Alright! I do my very best then!"

Edward cracked a smile, as he and Thomas fist bumped. Even with it being different from what he's usually faced with, he can tell that Thomas tries to do every task 110%. Confessing his love to Lady is one such task, and he very much intended to succeed at doing so. 

"He's definitely come far since the start of the school year." Edward thought as he glanced at his friend. "Not only is he determined to be excellent with a sword, but he's also going to be one lucky guy if his confession goes through. Even before he realized it, it was clear to me that Lady was the one that he loved."

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