Chapter 10: His Fears.

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Once they were all ready and set to go, Lady and Thomas ventured into Mr.C's classroom. Being about an hour after the usual schedule of his class had finished, their friends had already left for their next room and study. Their teacher, looked at them sternly as they looked at him with full listening intent.

"Good morning, Thomas, Lady. I hope you both have slept well. Today's extracurricular assignment is a bit of a dozy. Even for me. So listen closely and carefully to me."

They did just that, with no detail ignored or left out.

After receiving their assignment from Mr.C, Thomas and Lady began to make their way out of the SMA, with a few essentials all packed and ready for them in case they needed to start up a camp. The assignment, even after its explanation, was a major mystery. A village between Knapford and Tidmouth had been getting some attacks from a beast of some kind. But with how big the slash marks and tracks were, no one knew what had attacked them.

"They don't look to be bear marks," Lady remarked as she showed Thomas a sketch of the claw marks sent to the school, which also had a human shoe print for size comparison. "And they're certainly not anything I've seen in hostile bestiary books."

"I may have a hunch on what they could be," Thomas replied as he gazed at the sketch. "But I'll have to find a few more claw marks and tracks, before interrogating any of the hunters."

Lady, with an eyebrow raised, frowned as she slowed to a stop.

"Okay! I understand that whatever dream spooked you the night before last might have scarred you, but that isn't any excuse to lie to me and bring your pain onto others!"

"I'm not." Thomas then cut in. "And for the record Lady, I didn't lie. I'm fine for now, and I will let you know if something is bugging me. Look! When a beast or animal attacks, it isn't all just because they are hostile! Sometimes, non-hostile beasts are aggravated or approached in a way to where they feel threatened!"

"Which could explain, why I couldn't recall seeing these marks in the hostile bestiary books." Lady then uttered in thought. "I see. So if that's the case, what do you think then hunters provoked?"

"It's still a loose theory," Thomas replied. "Once I find more things that would make it concrete, then I'll know for sure."

Lady gave a nod as she preceded to follow Thomas through the woods. Night eventually fell, and the two set up camp for the night. Enjoying the stew they worked together to make, Thomas and Lady looked over at the night sky, gazing at it as they did years ago.

"This brings back so many memories." Lady sighed happily.

"Yes," Thomas replied. "It does." As he then glanced at the stars some more, Lady noticed Thomas's hands and lips quivering. His eyes shined with worry as his feet shifted uncomfortably. "L-Lady." He then spoke. "W-what if, it's not enough? W-what if I'm not enough? I-I know that I pretty much said that I refuse to lose you, b-but, what if I give my hardest, and still you slip through my grasp?"

Seeing the tears and look of unease, Lady instantly realized that THIS is what Thomas was so silent and quiet about. His absolute fear of losing her. Tightening her mouth, she edged towards him and began to wrap her arms tenderly around him.

"I'm scared of losing you too." She then uttered. "But, even knowing that, I work hard to ensure that never happened." She then preceded to nuzzle him. "However, even with the mere thought that I may end up having to give up my own life to ensure that nothing bad happened, I know for a fact that you'll always have my back and that you'll protect me. I take great warmth and comfort knowing that, Thomas. So listen to me carefully, until we actually get to the point where must say goodbye, don't worry so much about your ability. You will always protect me, that I have no doubt."

Thomas took in Lady's words and greatly considered them. She did have valid points, especially when it came to his natural instinct to watch her back. As he took this in, as well as her warmth, he felt his heart pounding again.

"She is truly precious to me." He thought. "Even so, I can't go on worrying about what COULD happen, on what has. If I'm too worried about a future failure, I'm more guaranteed to make that failure happen." He then let off a sigh as he began to gently rub Lady's hand. "If I'm to meet her expectations, then I must keep sight of the main goal which is staying by her side. If I do that, I should be able to keep my mind straight enough to save her when she needs help the most."

He then closed his eyes and began to think about Lady for a bit whilst a particular question from Iaspis echoed across his mind.

"Thomas, do you love Lady?"

"Ever since I picked up the sword again, Lady's been the one single person that I think about when unleashing a Sword-Spell. Of course, he did state that. With how my heart pounds around her and how safe and warm I feel when she wraps me between her arms like this, I'm starting to realize that it may not be just a childhood friend who I can't help but gaze in awe at every time I turn around. So, is it possible? Is it possible for childhood friends to become lovers?"

He felt his heart again, just to be sure, and indeed it was pounding excitedly. Grasping at Lady's hand, Thomas was pretty sure he was one step closer at figuring out his feelings for her.

After a restful night of sleep, Thomas and Lady once again awoke fully refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Having a small breakfast, they got all packed up again, exiting the campsite which they had set up.

"A few miles more and then we'll have reached the village."

"Right." Thomas complied. "Once we get there, we'll do our own investigation, and depending on if my assumption is right or not and the situation from where it is deemed correct, we'll send a message to Mr. C to have our friends come here to assist. Via, horse, and carriage of course, so they can get here faster."

"Sounds fair." Lady replied. "I still wonder what we're looking out for."

Passing by a tree, neither teen noticed a shadowy figure watching them. His lip curved in a devious grin. His yellow eyes glance at Lady as he held on tightly to the branch.

"My goodness, does she look far more beautiful in person than she did in her sketch." The figure uttered to himself. "Ah. My rightful bride has come at last, the ever-sweet, Petra Stone."

The shady figure chuckled to himself as he continued to watch Lady walk down the road with Thomas. His intent, clearly being anything but good. Though he didn't know it yet, a very major fight was coming around the corner for Thomas. A corner that would be very personal to him, for if he failed, his worst fears would become true. Fears of losing Lady, the one person who he finds to be most precious to him.

To be continued....

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