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More days passed since Hongjoong's job interview.

Two more days, to be exact. And he isn't sure if he should even have hope anymore. Maybe they won't accept him.

Small sigh left his mouth as he sat on the chair and looked through the emails, quietly expecting it to arrive. Turns out they won't call him but send an email instead. A hand came to rub his back. Seonghwa stood next to him with a worried face, not really happy that his boyfriend is too stressed.

"Joong, do you want coffee? Maybe it will make you relax."

Hongjoong hummed before averting his gaze towards him. "Hot cocoa.." He mumbled.

Seonghwa smiled before leaning down to kiss his cheek. "Sure."

The younger smiled as he went out. Seonghwa is such a sweetheart, always taking care and talking to him when something is up. Hongjoong has a really good taste.

He shifted in the chair a bit, clearing his throat and fixing his glasses as he looked on the screen again. A small shaky breath left his mouth as he refreshed once again, widening his eyes after seeing a new email.

Not even waiting a moment, Hongjoong opened it.

Dear Mr. Kim,

We would like to announce you that we are satisfied with the answers you gave on the interview, and we would want to continue working with you-

That was enough for Hongjoong to jump out of the chair with eyes and mouth wide open.
He let out a small choked breath, not expecting this at all before running to the kitchen.

"Seonghwa!" He yelled as he ran, almost falling down as he caught the male off guard.

Seonghwa widened his eyes as he turned to the left, being shocked as Hongjoong came out of nowhere.

"I got the job!" He yelled out with a smile before jumping into elder's hands.

Seonghwa lifted him up, making Hongjoong wrap his legs around his waist. He just let him do that and laughed, clearly happy for his boyfriend.

"Oh my god! Babe, I'm so proud of you! I told you they will accept you." Seonghwa smiled as he let him down.

Hongjoong couldn't stop smiling as he cupped his cheeks. The older gave him a kiss on the forehead, connecting them together afterwards.

He pecked younger's lips. "I'm really proud of you, my smart boy."

Seonghwa ruffled Hongjoong's hair, making him let out a small whine.

"Let's celebrate with a nice dinner and a bit of wine?"

He hummed. It's not that he didn't want that, but Hongjoong wanted something different.
It's true they just had sex for the first time a few days ago, but he still wanted it.

"Sure.. but can we do it afterwards?" He asked in a small voice, even surprising himself of how confident he sounded.

Seonghwa widened his eyes as hands came to hold the front of his shirt.

"I mean, okay?" He paused. "But can I ask you something?"


Seonghwa took a sharp breath. "Did you like it?"

Hongjoong blinked dumbfoundedly. Was he really serious? After literally admitting that he wanted to have sex, Seonghwa is asking if he liked it?

"Are you serious? I literally thanked you and moaned for making me feel this way, and you ask me that? I think you're smart enough to realize the answer."

𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝐂.𝐉𝐇 𝐱 𝐊.𝐘𝐒 ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora