The two went back and forth until Amelia spit on Gemma and Gemma slapped Amelia "Jesus Christ" Aurora groaned when Gemma stomped up the stairs.

"I'll go look around town and see if I can find him" Aurora suggested "thanks honey" Gemma nodded gratefully.


"I went down every street I even checked the mini mart the gas station no sign of him" Aurora announced walking into the house "we tried calling a few of his friends there's nothing" Tig shook his head "I can't believe I just let him drive away" Gemma sighed "Jesus how could I do that" she spat "stupid bitch"

Gemma stormed to her room.


Aurora walked towards the basement door with her first aid kit in her hand.

"I'm not gonna hurt you" Aurora mumbled "you the doctor they were waiting for" Amelia questioned "not a doctor...just know how to patch up a few wounds" Aurora trailed off as she inspected the bruise on Amelia's face "I'll have to clean that" she told her "it might sting a little" Aurora said tearing open a disinfectant wipe.

"I can't see 'em but I'm guessing my hands are a nice shade of purple right now" Amelia winced when Aurora dabbed the bruise "can you feel your fingers?" Aurora questioned "no" Amelia replied "I'm numb"

"I'll cut one hand free let the blood flow back in... don't do any stupid" Aurora warned grabbing a box cutter and cut the tape "thank you" Amelia winced "can I trouble you for the bedpan" Amelia questioned "yeah sure" Aurora grimaced walking over to the bedpan picking it up and walking back towards Amelia.

Shoving the pan under her "there" Aurora looked up only for Amelia to wack her in the face with an oxygen tank, knocking her unconscious.


Blinking awake Aurora sat up and groaned "son of a bitch" she swore standing up "that's that last time I'm nice" Aurora muttered to herself walking up the stairs silently.

Aurora opened the door to the basement and saw Amelia holding Gemma against the wall with a box cutter to her throat, looking to her left Aurora grabbed a weird trophy and walked behind Amelia bashing her in the head with it, making her let go of Gemma.

"No" Amelia grunted when Gemma pushed Amelia into the wall Amelia fell to the ground with the knife sticking out of her chest.

"Aw shit" Aurora whispered checking her pulse "she's dead" Aurora huffed "her plan" Gemma sighed "that bitch stole my shoes" Aurora exclaimed seeing her black heeled boots on Amelia's feet walking over to Amelia's feet Aurora began to unzip her boots off of Amelia's feet.


"Jesus I leave you two alone for 2 minutes" Tig exclaimed walking into the house seeing Gemma leaning on the wall and Aurora taking her shoes off of Amelia's dead body "Aurora is that really necessary" Tig questioned "these were like 70 dollars and their my favourite pair" Aurora deadpanned.

"It's not like this was on purpose anyway!" Aurora gestured to the body "the club can't know about this" Gemma muttered "no kidding Jax will kill me" Aurora grumbled hopping on one foot to put her boot on "we better work fast they're making a run for the Irish they'll be up here tomorrow" Tig informed them "great" Aurora spat pulling on her other shoe.

"Stupid bitch got you good you'll need stitches" Gemma spat glaring at the dead body on the floor "Bachman" Tig blurted out "Bachman works out of crescent city he's independent and works for about 2 or 3 grand but he's good" Tig nodded "there's some cash here but not that much" Gemma shook her head "will he take jewellery?" Gemma questioned "I'll call him" Tig shrugged grabbing his prepay "go keep my dad busy" Gemma gestured to the back door "alright" Tig left.

"We'll take care of her" Gemma pat Aurora's shoulder "if I ruin these boots" Aurora shook her head "hey! You're the one who decided her fingers needed to breathe" Gemma sat down beside Aurora "remind me never to do anything out of the kindness of my heart again" Aurora grumbled sleepily "concussion" Gemma asked brushing hair out of Aurora's face "I'm fine" Aurora shook her head.


Aurora helped Gemma cary Amelia's body down the stairs and they dropped her on a cot when Aurora's phone started to ring "shit it's Jax" Aurora said walking away to answer her phone.

"Talk to him" Gemma said before walking up the stairs "hey" Aurora answered "finally" Jax huffed "I was busy" Aurora said sheepishly "what was the crisis with Nate?" Jax asked "you really wanna know" Aurora mumbled sitting on the stairs "shit" Jax hissed "apparently he went off the rails a bit shot Tig thought he was an intruder" Aurora explained "Jesus Christ" Jax spat "he's fine" Aurora waved off the concern "look I'm headed up there tomorrow just stay put ok?" Jax said "yeah" Aurora agreed "is everyone ok?" Jax asked "yep everyone's fine" Aurora lied looking at Amelia's dead body.


Aurora and Gemma were sitting on the couch waiting for Bachman to come back.

"All done" Bachman walked into the room "here's 1600" Gemma handed him the money "take the rest in goods anything" Tig said looking around the room Bachman walked past the group and picked up a gold trophy then left.

"That guy gives me the creeps" Aurora shuddered "I'm surprised he didn't take more" Gemma nodded "I'm surprised he didn't collect collateral in a blow job or something" Tig mumbled "thank god for that" Aurora grimaced.



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Aurora's outfit and shoes for this chapter Also if u haven't watched a simple favour u should

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Aurora's outfit and shoes for this chapter
Also if u haven't watched a simple favour u should.

- rose ✌️

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