Chapter 8: the spanner

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The end of the year and I'd just graduated from high school. We had been on the avocado farm for over three years - the longest we'd ever stopped anywhere - but it was finished. The people we had borrowed the farm off had sold it; we had to be out in two months.

The timing seemed pretty good. Mum and Dad had lined up a gig on a cattle station up north. But our family was starting to break up now. Hector had a local job and a serious girlfriend; he would be staying here.

Jerry would be going with the folks. He wasn't much of a student and he was keen to get back onto a cattle station - he liked that lifestyle.

I had been accepted into a university in the city and was planning to study a business course. Aunt Hilda had invited me to come and live with her.

So everything was all arranged. Everybody sorted out. The inheritance scheme rolling along nicely.

And I was about to throw a major spanner into the works.

"Mum, Dad, I can't deceive Aunt Hilda any longer. I've got tell her that I'm transgender, that I was born a boy."

Mum was nodding, an understanding smile on her face. I think she must have had her suspicions about my changing attitude.

My father was looking disappointed, "Any chance I can change your mind, Sheri?"

"No, Dad. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Okay," he smiled glumly and there were a few moments of silence.

Dad reached across and took Mum's hand, "Well, dear, we may have missed out on the booty, but we have gained a beautiful daughter."

Mum let out a relived laugh and added, "We certainly have."

"Thank you," I responded with a shy and apologetic smile.

My father was thinking and gazing at me levelly. "Sweetheart, I hope you will be prepared to give a modified version of the truth, otherwise there could be trouble."

"Dad, all I want, is to tell Auntie that I'm transgender, that I wasn't born as a girl, nothing else matters. I don't want to get anybody into trouble."

"Fine," he smiled at me, "then let's try this . . ."

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