Chapter 6: visiting Auntie

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Innsen's assessment of my aunt's health was way off the mark. Sure, she wasn't in good shape, and she had some really bad days, but she lasted another five years.

A lot happened in those five years . . . believe me, a lot.

I started visiting Aunt Hilda once a month. Eventually she met all my family, but it was usually just me visiting. I went by bus and taxi, all paid for by my Aunt.

When I turned seventeen and quickly got my driver's licence, Aunt Hilda bought me a brand new mid-sized Audi - "to make it easier for you to visit me, and you can take me for drives".

I loved my new car and began to visit Auntie more often and, of course, take her for drives. My visits were usually overnight - Friday or Saturday.

I was enjoying my Aunt's company; I found her a very interesting person - she had led quite a different life to most people. Although she had never married, or even had a long term partner, she didn't dislike men, she just wanted to see a greater equality between the sexes, particularly in the world of business.

She was also teaching me about the property market.

And what was I doing in the rest of my life? Frankly, I was having a ripper time, provided I didn't stop and think.

My girlfriends and I were having great fun. Once I got my car and was driving myself to school, I could hang out with them after school and see them on the weekends. They were terrific girls and we all got on really well together.

I had now been Sheri for over twelve months and I had developed a modest-sized bust (that did cause me some concerns, but damnit, I liked it)  I'd been on a few more dates with boys, but all tame stuff.

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