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As-Salaam Aleykum WaramotuLlah Wabarakathu.


The Subduer. The Prevailer. The One who is forever dominating.

Al-Qahhar dominates everything in His Kingdom. The One in whom the whole creatures has humble themselves.
The skies, the heavens, the angels, the earth, the jinns, the men and all the creatures surrender to Him. The Dominator of everything.

Oh! Allah, make us ponder over your power so as to abandon our sins and be kind to everyone around us

"And He is the Subjugator over His servants and He sends over you guardians angels. until, when death comes to one of you, our messengers take him and they do not fail (in their duties)"

Al-Anaan verse 91

Please, remember me in your beautiful duas.

As-Salaam Aleykum WaramotuLlah Wabarakathu

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