Act XIV: Great Balls of Fire

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Gosh, where do I start with this? Okay... right after, we got back to the carrier, there was a TV in the locker rooms and we saw the whole battle had been recorded by national news.

How the hell the news anchors had gotten this footage without risking their lives in the middle of an active combat zone is beyond me and the tape also includes my famous trench run where I fired the cruise missile right between good ol' Torres's eyes.

All the fiasco made me famous to the entire country and potentially the whole world as I'm known as the pilot who'd save many innocent lives from a crazed psycho Captain trying to kill us.

"Wah, Y/N, look at that you're on the news! Check this out!" Suho pointed out to me and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"This oughta be rich..." I replied to him as I watched along with them.

As we watch the news channel, the carrier had sailed back to port, immediately, a swarm of news reporters at the docks started asking questions as soon as I got down the stairs.

Thankfully, there were MP officers escorting me and my squadron to the cars, oh, almost forgot to mention that there was a victory celebration being held at the base tomorrow, and Kazuha along with her members will be attending as honorary guests.

I can only guess my Eomma had something to do with it...

The driver takes us back to Osan Air Base where a welcoming party had been organized just for us, lining up on the road are officers and enlisted personnel in dress uniforms saluting to us.

None of us had been expecting this sort of honor or respect, reaching back to the airfield at my hangar, the driver dropped me off and I said goodbye to them before he drove off.

Going inside, I turn on the lights and everything was in order, but it wasn't quite for me as the old vintage P-51 Mustang is still covered up and needed work before it can be airworthy once more.

Plus, I have a genius plan in mind for Kazuha and I believe she's going to love it! Not wasting any time, I uncovered the warbird and began working in the engine.

Since I've already gotten finished up with the airframe and the wing flaps, all that's left is to add the fluids and oil inside the engine. Taking jugs from the tool shelf, I carefully poured the correct amount of coolant, oil, and finally gas.

To be honest, I've been working on this for nearly a decade, I have no idea if all of this effort and hard labor into this restoration project will either pay off or go down the drain.

Nervously, I jumped to start the engine and the propellor slowly spun and the engine roared to life, hell yeah!

Shutting off the warbird, I re-painted the warbird to my liking and added my name on the Mustang along with a special person's name on the backseat.

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