episode 6

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Navya's pov
" I don't want to come '' I said twisting in my bed. " Navya I'm calling u more than 1/2 an hour . Just get up and get ready. " Mom shouted this time loosing all of her patience.  " I'm not coming " I again went inside my comforter ."  Navya " she shouted . " What's going on. Why are you shouting " I heard dad's voice. " Ask your daughter. " Mom said annoyed.  " Navu .. baby Why are you sleeping now. Don't you need get ready. Look both of us are already done. Get up get ready quick. " Dad said taking the comforter from me . '' Daaad " I whined. " Yes I'm here now. Get up ' he said . " I'm sleepy " I said . " What navya we should be there at 7 it's already 6 get up. " Dad said. " I didn't stop u.  U can go. " I said hugging my pillow. " Then how will you come " dad  asked. " I'm not coming. I'll stay at home. " I said snuggling more. " Navya what is this drama up to " dad asked serious this time. " Nothing. I'm not coming. " I said. " What's going on . Why did you do to her " dad asked mom . "'What I ? I did nothing to ur daughter. Why are you accusing me " Mom said irritated. " Then why the h.ck she is grumpy. " Dad asked. " For the god sake. I'm not a toddler to be grumpy " how can he say something like this about me . " I'm just doing this for the sake of my self respect . " I shouted. " Self respect . What are you talking about. Don't brush around the bush. " He asked . " I'm not. How all of u  forgot that day's incident this easily. How dare he scold me without a reason and all others were silent other than aarav . Still now he didn't apologize . What am looking like. Iam not going attend any family functions after this. " I said angrily. " Baby listen it's ok. I know we are the one's at fault. Ok iam apologizing in behalf of others. Pls get ready. Pls at least for me . " I looked at him. I don't want to disappoint him . He goes any extense for me I can at least do this for him . So I nodded. " That's my girl " . He said ruffling my hair. " But I won't talk to anyone there I will just come. " I said I seriously don't wanna talk to the people who humiliated me . " Ok ok u don't need to. If u want I'll beat the shit out of him . " Dad said I giggled and got ready we reached the mansion.  We all went inside already all were chatting in the main area. Nathira is getting ready in her room .  Still the monster's family didn't reach here. They will come by 7. Engagement is at 8 . " Omo my baby looks cute. " It grabbed everyone's attention . Nathira's mom came and hugged me.  I didn't respond I was holding my dad's hand . We went and sit near them. " Navu come here baby. " Grandma said patting the place in-between her and Grandpa. But I didn't respond. I just looked down. Even I didn't see any of their faces' I'm sure they all shared a confused look. " Navu do you want come and sat beside us " shidik asked. I didn't mind him . I just continued staring down."  Is she sick or something " Aarav asked keeping his palm on my forehead which I immediately jerked. They all looked shocked. " Navu say sorry " mom said angrily. I shook my head as no . " She is lil upset about that day's incident " dad said. I glanced at Shravan his face was disappointed. He was looking down. " Navu he is like ur brother right. Let it slide. " Nathira's dad  said calmly. No way I'm leaving this issue . How can he shout at me like a jerk without reason and now playing the victim card. I kept quiet. " Fine. What he did is extremely wrong. So what about punishing him and then forgiving him. " Shravan's dad asked. " Yeah baby. It's ur cousin's engagement. You can't be upset . U should enjoy right. Go punish him per ur wish no one will stop u but then u must be normal ok " Shravan's mom said patting my head.  " What are you talking ?  leave her for while she will be ok . No need of this . Navu say it's ok "  mom and dad said. But I want to take  my revenge so I kept quiet. " No let her. U can punish me . Do whatever do you want to do . go ahead " again he said . " Navu what about using the whip " shidik said grinning towards Shravan. " Yes yes he deserves it for making our baby upset . We can do it. If u can't handle the whip " Abhinav aarav joined. I  know they are trying to take their revenge in the name of mine. " Stop it all of u "  my mom scold them. " No aunty ... if u want u can navu "  Shravan said. I nodded. Everyone was quite amused aarav gave me the whip I took and went towards him . He was looking down. The youngest were laughing giggling while teasing him and the elders were upset especially mom and dad. I put that whip down and climbed on him. He backed a lil from the unexpected move . After climbing safely I started hitting him with my fists . " How dare you scold me. I'm going to kill you " I continued punching him . Others burst out laughing seeing us . After good minutes of teaching him the lesson I stopped.  " Will you repeat "  I asked him. He immediately denied. I gave my last punches and stopped. He was holding me to make sure I won't fall . from the movement I climbed on him . " If you are done come here lil devil " grandpa called me. " Aah Im not a devil grandpa " saying this I went near  and sat in between grandma and him . " I know my baby is kind . She won't do such things " Shravan's dad said other uncle and aunts agree " Why navu I thought ur going to whip him . u should have done "  that shidik exclaimed. " Yeah we are disappointed. " Other two. " Stop u idiots. My baby won't do that to me isn't it. " Shravan asked . "  No I will if u repeat this one more time. I'll be more worse. " I said immediately. Which made everyone laugh.

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