Focus on yourself.

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Focusing on yourself is the best part of getting through a breakup, you know some people think that when that person you loved is no longer there that means the end for them, that's when you start hearing thing's like;

1) I don't know what to do with my life anymore, nothing makes sense anymore.

2) he/she was all I had and nothing more.

3) How do I get through this my heart hurts how do I move on without him/her.

But trust me there is a solution to that most times we feel like this it is normal but it is not the end of the world crying over a partner that dumped you isn't going to help but rather I would advise you to focus more on your self and your happiness.

Make yourself a better person make yourself more worthy so that maybe if you ever come in contact with your Ex he/she would be surprised on who you have become.

And they will regret why they left you in the first place and by that time hopefully you would have gotten over them.

During this period you can also study thing work more on your character and discover things you are lacking at and learn and pratice them.

When you are certain you have passed this step you can move over to the next step.

I hope you are learning a lot.

How to get over a break up (Ann's Story) By Nancy Ifeoma Nwaguru.Where stories live. Discover now