Don't rush into another relationship.

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This is an important yet delicate part of  getting over a break up many people have made mistakes falling into this and end up coming back in tears.

When you are trying to get over a heart break, rushing into another relationship is not the right option.

For girls they rush into other relationships because they think and feel, they need attention, they want someone to care and be there for them, yes some girls do this because they are fragile but it is wrong.

And for the guys they do the same thing but for reasons like this other girl broke my heart and by hooking up with this one it would help me forget about her, but they are all wrong because, when you are going through a heart break and you hook up with someone to forget him/her it will only make you remember that person you are trying to get over from.

Let me explain further, what I said earlier simply means by the time you are hooking up with someone new and he/she shows you their character and you will discover that there are something's your new partner can't do and your Ex can.

it will make you to miss the person (Ex) all over again and trying to adapt to this new person is another process all again.

Now the main reason why you shouldn't rush into another relationship is because it won't last long and it will end up in another heart break, anything you rush into without taking time doesn't last.

At this point you are trying to fix your mind and get over someone, you won't enter the new relationship for a true reason, because you are still hurt you may hastily enter the new relationship because of the benefits of what you will get at that point, but trust me that relationship won't last.

You have to be in your correct mind before you enter another relationship, so you don't rush out of it too, that is why I recommend you take your time.

When you are certain you have taking enough time you can continue with the next step.

How to get over a break up (Ann's Story) By Nancy Ifeoma Nwaguru.Where stories live. Discover now