[8] On your finger and my lips.

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Coby's taking a good look at himself in front of the mirror. His hair is still disheveled fresh out of bed and his slightly oversized shirt reveals one shoulder. He's not one to admire himself, no, that would be too embarrassing. What he's facing right now is quite troubling him. 

He grazed his lips with his thumb and felt the rough dry skin grazing. Some of it is barely peeled off which sure will bleed if he were to pull them. This is bad. 

"What should I do?" he whined to himself. This is not just about his appearance, part of it, yes, it's essential to look presentable at all times. But the sensation he felt on his lips isn't comfortable. It stings. Resisting the urge to not pull them is also hard. "Gosh, I don't have time for this."

In terms of self-care, Coby's pretty decent at it. He's better than most even. He uses natural soap and shampoo, face wash included, uses sunscreen, and moisturizer. Lately, he also starts using an aloe vera hand cream because his hands felt dry. To think that his lips are following so soon. 

Helmeppo-san might know what to use, he thought. Or perhaps [y/n]-san. He stopped midway through putting on his coat when the other name crossed his mind. Hesitantly he glanced over the mirror and wasn't pleased to see how he looked. This is embarrassing. 

Sure enough, Helmeppo made fun of him as soon as they met that morning. The blonde is wiping the tears forming in his eyes.

"What is this? Did you drink enough water, Captain?" Helmeppo snickered between his words. "It doesn't look good. You look terrible, Coby."

"I know," Coby pouted, stabbing the pancake on his plate. Even his lips feel uncomfortable while chewing. "Spare me the teasing."

"I know a good product. I got you."


"A lip balm. You want to moisturize your lips from now on."

"Do you have them now?"

Coby doesn't like how it takes time for Helmeppo to answer. 

"No. I never needed to use lip balm- well, not anymore," Helmeppo answered as he was looking away like he was remembering something, "if I still have it, it would be in my room back in headquarters."

"Guess I have no other choice but to wait," Coby replied dryly.

"[y/n] might have one. She gave you the hand cream recommendation so she could have one for lips." Helmeppo couldn't hold back his smile seeing the twitch in Coby's eyes. "I mean, her lips look nice, isn't it?"

"What have you been thinking, Helmeppo-san?" Coby glared, not that he realized what he was doing. The fork in his hand somehow looks shiny in Helmeppo's eyes.

The blond backed away. "Wait, don't misunderstand. I'm saying that she looks healthy!"


"Why don't you believe me?"

"Who said I don't believe you?"

"Uh," Helmeppo squinted his eyes. "Because you're holding that fork the wrong way."

Coby cleared his throat and spun the fork the other way around. The heat starts flushing his cheeks. This is not so me at all. I can't focus at all. Asking Helmeppo-san wasn't a good idea. Can I avoid everyone today?

"Well, we'll be back at home. Whichever you pick, my uncertainty or [y/n], you still have to wait." 

It's final. Coby has to wait and he doesn't like it. 

And because he doesn't like it, he actually ran away right after presenting himself to the higher-ups. Helmeppo insisted on visiting [y/n] in her office but Coby's having none of that. He will not embarrass himself! Not today!

"Coby-kun?" The door is opened by someone.

Coby turned around in horror- though his face is quite the opposite. 

"Helmeppo said you have an emergency- oh my, your face is red! Do you have a fever? You're a bit warm."

"[y/n]-san.. um, I'm fine..," he gulped while nodding nervously and eyes spinning. Already embarrassing himself at this point because he was happy when [y/n] went ahead and touched their forehead together. "How do you know.. I uh- this place is the opposite of the intelligence department." Indeed, Coby ran as far as he could into the supply storage. Not even Helmeppo could've predicted this.

[y/n] gave him a small smile and Coby almost gasped because of what she said next. "Because I can read you like a map? Or rather, I'm following your scent. It's the hand cream I gave you, isn't it?"

Scent? She said it's the hand cream but.. I don't stink, am I?  "Ahaha- yes, I like it very much-"

"So, Helmeppo said something about your lips-oh?" [y/n] leaned in closer, curiously, when Coby instinctively tucked in his lips. "Your lips cracked, isn't it? It must be hurt. Don't do that."

"I'm fine, [y/n]-san!" Coby waved his hands around, looking away at the stack of bullet boxes nearby. "Helmeppo-san is exaggerating!"

"Says you who run to the warehouse just so I don't find out."

"That's..." And I thought I'm not gonna embarrass myself in front of her ever again...

"Here. Look at me, Coby-kun."


"If you don't treat it soon they will bleed. This balm works as ointment too so it will heal and soothe your lips. This one works for me so I hope it works for you too."

"Uhuh.." Coby dare not to move or breathe too hard. His eyes fixed on [y/n]'s pinky brushing over his lips with the said balm. The balm felt a little cold but his face is as hot as summer. [y/n] looked so serious while treating his lips which is, again, embarrassing. And also ecstatic.

"There you go. This should do for now. It may sting a bit- is it that hurt?" [y/n] stared at Coby with a concerned look. 

"It's not hurt at all! Thank you [y/n]-san!" He wasn't meant to yell- oh well, he's too happy to care. He even unconsciously grabbed her hands.

"Is that so? That's good to hear. Let's have you use this from today. Use it often, alright?"

"Ye-Yes, I will use it diligently..." Too bright! Her smile is too bright! I don't mind being a fool if it's for her! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

"Now let's go back, shall we? Do you want to have tea with me, Coby-kun?"

Coby snapped back to reality. "... yes, please." It might take a while for him to fully recover though.

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