[6] Very stupid of him.

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"I don't think you understand," she said grumpily, the frown didn't look good on her. She points her fingers at his forehead and continues. "That was not very smart of you, Koby."

The pink-haired captain of the Marine battleship, Koby, slumps his back and looks at her nervously. "Why are you angry..?"

"You noticed? Very observant of you." Koby was about to reply and she cut him right off. "I would be mad if you fail to see how angry I am."

"I didn't mean to make you angry though..." His voice got smaller.

The girl looked away and sips her wine. The dining hall on Koby's battleship is still very much lively as dinner time just started. The waves are cool with good chances of a storm in an hour. 

"[y/n]..," Koby pleaded. She noticed how tight his grip are on the silverware. 

"I know, Koby." Meal time means no formalities are needed. Koby dislikes it very much. "Very bold of you to talk about this over dinner. Please, eat and we shall continue later."

Koby was hesitant to move at first. He saw dullness in her eyes as she eat her meal quietly and it confuses him. After a few moments of contemplating he resumes his meal again. 

"Salty, isn't it?"

He looked up and almost loosens his grip when he sees her smiling sourly at the food. 

"Was it not good? I'll tell-"

"It's not that. Our thoughts can be very salty."

".. I think I can understand that one."

"Because you're very kind."

Koby feels weird right now. The moment always seems to be going very slow whenever he's occupied with his mind. The hardest part is digesting every word, finding himself understands nothing, and then stuck with the same old mind. Especially how abstract the conversation can be with her. Or overall how everything is going very quiet and loud at the same time.

He finishes the rest of his meal with a weird taste on his tongue. The taste of her words lingers like bitter ground coffee or a sour wine after being left for too long. Koby glanced at his untouched glass of wine. Perhaps he is very stupid as she said.

"Captain, we spotted the storm cloud over the horizon. Ten minutes left until we reach it." One of his men reported. 

Maybe soaking in the rain and rushing adrenaline can help him wash away his mind a little. 

"We can't have any delay in this trip." Koby stands up, fixing his justice coat. "We'll go through it, everyone. All hands on deck!"

The men are cheering 'yes' loudly before they rushed to go outside. Koby walks behind them though technically not the last. Helmeppo and her were right behind him as his right and left hands. Although Helmeppo is grabbing him by the shoulder, Koby couldn't hear him very well. His eyes wander to the opposite side where she is.

Their eyes locked and she looked away immediately.

"What is this? Fighting over dinner?" Helmeppo whispered.

"I hope not," Koby sighed. Helmeppo nods.

The storm was quite harsh- or very harsh since it's the New World we're talking about. Koby is getting used to it and knows fast way to get out of it since he has natural gift for navigation. A shiver chilled down his spine. Being good at navigating what was made him get into a battleship early. Unfortunately, though. not a Marine battleship.

"That was close!" Helmeppo groaned. He's wiping his sunglass from the saltwater.

"Very," she agreed while sliding down to lean. 

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