7. One Wrong Turn After Another

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"Hey, I get to pick the brio-craft!" She sharply reminded him. Medusa smirked, seemingly amused. "Errr, that one!" She pointed loftily at a big mean looking craft that had black wings painted on either side of the cockpit, its name was branded into the haul, The Pegasus. Sweet. "Let's go and get this shit over with," she huffed, flipping the collar of her trench coat up, glancing over her shoulder at frozen Meda. Her heart stammered with guilt as she marched away. "So Headsy, you don't talk much, do you?" She questioned as she quickly led the way into the cockpit. He said nothing, surprise, surprise. "That's cool though since I probably wouldn't like a single thing that came out of your mouth anyway."

She swiftly began firing up the ship, a vibrating buzz was subtly felt coursing through the entire craft. Brio was an interesting thing; it was power generated by vibration, the tremors created heat which thusly was transmitted into energy that then powered weapons or ships or houses, whatever. It was pretty cool, Percy had it mind to steal herself a brio ship one day, or just make Medusa give her this one when she returned with the fuckin' eyeball.

They lifted off the ground and out through the roof of the warehouse that opened for them. The smoking city rapidly grew tiny and helpless looking the farther up she went.

"This is the first time I've ever seen Argos from this angle," Percy whispered to herself as she gazed out the viewport, refusing to tear up like a ninny, but even still her heart lurched with guilt as she thought of the promises she and Meda had made each other, how they'd get off the rock together...But now she was leaving her behind. No, she told herself sharply. I'm doing this for Meda, I'll be back, and then we'll be gone together for good. "Hell," she chuckled out loud. "We'll probably laugh about this one day," then she snarled when she noticed HeadShot leaning against the door seam, head angled in her direction like he was staring at her. "Not me and you," she clarified with a snap, as if she had too.


Planet: The Underworld

Persephon was more homesick than he had ever been in his entire life, though of course technically he had never left Nysa before. But now...? He was desperate to return to the home he had been bitching about leaving for so long, he longed for his old life he used to complain about. It really wasn't all that bad, in fact, it was fuckin' perfect. And even though he knew it was highly unlikely that anything would ever feel the same again after all the crazy shit that had happened, he was still desperate to try.

"Omigods, leave me alone," he hissed to Keir, the little goblin gargoyle that was constantly spying on him. Persephon was currently creeping down the halls of Hades' castle, anxious to not be seen by the God of the Dead that always seemed to be lurking around like a weirdo creep in the shadows, brooding or whatever the hell he called it. "Go. Go, go!" He snapped and tried to shove Keir away, the little beast was impossible to move. "Urggghhh...oh!" Persephon suddenly was struck by inspiration. "Yeah, you're kinda stupid like a dog, aren't you?" He smirked as he snatched an ugly trinket perched on one of the mail-tables beneath a bay window. "Here, look! Look, see this?" He waved the idol in Keir's face; Keir cocked her head curiously. "You like?" He fake-threw the trinket, Keir turned around to search the halls for it, her eyes wide.

Persephon nearly smiled with amusement, maybe sometimes she was kinda cute. When she wasn't being a spook, the rarity. He waved it in her face again. "Chase it this time! Go get it!" He pitched it the best he could...but he was a polo star, not a baseball star. It at leastwise managed to get to the end of the hall. Keir quickly hurried after it, using her long arms as propellers. Persephon didn't bother watching her creepy gait and took off running in the opposite direction, he finally managed to get to the front door and threw it open, not even bothering to close it behind him as he ran as fast as he could. He was running so fast, he rapidly closed in on the edge of freakin' beach the castle was nestled on in a matter of moments. He slowed down long enough to look around for the gondola he had seen Hades in once or twice from his bedroom window. Not that he was ever spying on Hades, but sometimes he'd happen to look out the window and would see him doing something, like taking the boat somewhere away.

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