Chapter 4: Uh oh

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Wellston Girls Dorms:


I was in the bathroom trying to do my hair but for some unknowingly reason I had a huge knot in my hair.


My head already was starting to hurt and I was extreme frustrated with myself so I decided to make a hard decision.

Alright fine, I wanted to try it anyways.

I pulled out a pair of scissors and cut my hair short.

Hey, it doesn't look bad at all!

I was pretty surprised by the results, what turned from a last resort to a knot became something actual pretty cool.

I touched it up a little bit and it was fine now, I guess it was kinda cool now to try a short hair look.

Today is Saturday so theres no school today, so I entire day myself.


It is kinda lonley, eh doesnt matter cause I don't care.

I left my dorm room and headed outside, I breathed in a breathe of fresh air and decided to go downtown.

I felt a little frisky today so I was OK with going out.

So I did so, it especially since I felt better in my favorite violet hoodie.

It was pretty crowded today, after all today was Saturday.

I couldn't even go into one store however with FUCKING drama.

While I was shopping in one designer store I was bumped by a another girl.



"Oh wow hi I didn't you expect you to be here!" She exclaimed.

"I uh hi." I basically autistically replied.

"You cut your hair short?"

"Yeah I did, um do you think it's OK?" I asked.

"OK? It looks great!" She complimented me.

"Oh thanks." I blushed.

She pulled up a really nice looking coat and asked "Hey while you're here what do you think it looks on me?"

"Looks pretty." I smiled.

"Oh stop it you're making me blush." She laughed and put it back.


"Hey don't say sorry, I was just joking." She said to me.

"It's a habit haha." I tried to brush it off without being obvious I didn't like this social situation.

"I'm gonna go," Remi said "but um before I leave I was going to ask you a question."

"Umm yeah sure, hit me up." I told her.

Oh no Oh no Oh no I hate questions.

"Well um you seem cute and all so I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me?" Remi asked me, surprising me incredibly.

"I uh uh, OK I would." I replied, blushing very hard and almost having a panic attack.

"Maybe for coffee later? Tomorrow?" She suggested. "After school?"

"Uh huh sure!" I replied, not knowing what I am doing with my self.

"O-oh OK great!" She smiled. "Then its a date then!"

"Thats um cool."

"Well I have to go now, I'll uh see you tomorrow?" She finished.

"OK, well it was nice talking to you."

"Bye now!" She waved away and left the store.

I uh what the fuck have I done? I guess that handles one.

I was just left in a bit of a shock, it was only my third day here and I already was asked out on a date.

I uh guess I'll see her tomorrow?

I left the store a little lost in thought, I might already be in love.

My head was clouded in thought while I was walking around the city, I almost didn't notice something odd.

My passive was starting to detect VERY high levels of energy, I looked around in the crowd and I saw a teen who seemed a little worn out but powerful. He had very dark blue and brown hair and I could easily detect he was basically an energy generator.

Hmm? That's kinda strange, he kinda looks familiar.

But instantly he vanished, from that I was actually confused as to why I couldn't see that strange occurrence anymore. However that would eventually vanish from my thought too as well.

I got a date tomorrow to worry about.

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