Part 4: The Battle

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No one's Pov

It was Thursday the 14th still in June,

Two days have passed since the first training session with the Cullens, and during those three days, the pack has been training for the upcoming war, sometimes they go back to the training ground, and have their own training session with the Cullens, the only people who didn't show was Jacob and Edward

The pack thought it was nice to not have them there, no problems were caused, and no annoying human to act like she runs everything, Along with that Lucas found out he has powers, eight to be exact, and the reason he has power was because of him being the true great alpha,

The Eight powers he has are 1: Take away alpha states, 2: Break imprint bonds, 3: Be able to see, communicate and summon the pack along with tribe spirits, 4: See into the future for the pack, 5: any human he turns into a wolf can have a fast transformation, 6: he and the pack can shift back fully clothed and 7 Can mindlink anyone, Human and Supernatural 8: Could know who has the shifter gene

His hand light up light blue whenever the spirits want to walk, and his eyes glow blue whenever he is seeing who has the shifter gene

The entire pack knows of Lucas's powers, he didn't want to risk Jacob telling Bella about his powers, so he used his alpha voice on Jacob to keep him quiet and not tell Bella about his power not give her hints like he did last time with giving her hints to the pack,

Currently, Lucas, Jason, and Rebecca were meeting up with Jasper, Edward, and Bella on the battlefield, Jacob decided to follow, and Lucas didn't say anything about it because the battle was more important than worrying about Jacob's actions

"You're not fighting? What, did you pull a muscle or something?" Jacob asked Edward mocking him and causing Lucas. Jason. and Rebecca to roll their eyes

"Jacob, please shut up and focus, this battle is important as innocent human lives who don't know of the supernatural world are in danger, there is no time for your bull shit," Lucas said sternly

"He's doing it for me, okay?" Bella said

"Whatever, Just tell me the plan," Jacob said

, "This field will give us an advantage in battle, We need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent, but it needs to end here" Jasper explained

"Edward and I are going to a campsite. Even if he carries me, they'll still pick up on our scents" Bella explained

"Your stench, however, is revolting," Edward said getting a glare from Jasper

"Dude, you really don't wanna start comparing stinks," Jacob said

"Jacob," Jason said using his Beta voice on Jacob

" What he means Jacob is that your scent will mask Isabella's if you carry her" Lucas explained

"Done," Jacob said instantly

"This is not a good idea," Edward said causing Lucas to sigh heavily

"As you said literally a second ago, our stench is revolting to you and only you, I know whenever Isabella comes back to you from being with Jacob that his scent is the only scent you can smell on her, meaning it is like that for other vampires as well, if Jacob walks around in the forest with Isabella, then there would be nothing but his stench, meaning you human is safe, considering the newborns wouldn't know where she is considering she would be covered in Jacob's stench," Lucas said glaring at Edward, so close to snapping.

"Okay. Let's just try it." Bella said who was about to walk over to Lucas but he just said "Don't start this shit Isabella, Jacob is carrying you, not me"

(Old Version) The Great Quileute Alpha ⏭  Leah Clearwater X Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now