Part 3: New Members, Death Of Elder Clearwater, and More New Members

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Warning: Homophobic slurs

Before you read there is a new member of the Black family go look in the Bio to see Jacob's twin brother 

No one Pov

It's been two days since Bella found out about the pack, she has been trying to make everything about her just because she has a murderous vampire after her, Jacob has been bringing her over to Emily's place a lot, and Lucas felt bad because Bella is nothing but rude to Emily, while Emily has been nothing but the nicest, sweetest person to Bella and just because of her sweet and kind nature, Bella has been manipulating her, talking bad about her scar not even caring if Emily is in the room of not

Leah has almost killed Bella a few times, because of her rudeness towards Emily's scars, along with Sam and Noah who Lucas stopped both, Now I said killing I didn't say anything about Lucas stopping them from beating Jacob and Bella up, 

The only time the pack could be away from Bella is when they are at school, Lucas used his alpha voice on Jacob just so he would go to school and to go to his classes along with him doing his work

Jacob constantly whines and complains about how things weren't fair, but no one listened to him, the past two days Lucas has been smelling more wolves at school he has pointed it to the group of new kids that had joined the school

Lucas found out each one of their names and their grades, starting with the five Ninth graders Brett Talbot, Hayden Romero, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, and Cory Bryant,

Next are the eight Tenth graders Stiles Stalinski, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd who like to be called Boyed, Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey, and Malia Tate, 

And lastly is the six Eleventh graders, Benny Weir, Ethan Morgan, Sarah Fox, Rory Keener, Erica Jones, and Allison Argent

They are a pack of Rogues, Normally Rogues are wolves without a pack but this pack is a bunch of wolves without an alpha, Lucas has noticed that the group has been being bullied by the school sluts along with the group of fuck boys,

so when Lucas, Noah, Paul, Jason, and Jared saw Mason Hewitt, and Cory Bryant being stuffed into a locker by three fuckboys, he, Paul, and Jared decided to put a stop to it

"Hey" Lucas shouted out slamming his fist on the locker next to him, grabbing the three boy's attention, once the three fuckboys saw Lucas, Jason, Noah, Paul, and Jared walking towards them, it caused them to get scared and step away from Mason and Cory,

" Jared, Jason check on the two boys" Lucas ordered Jared and Jason in a mind linked

"What the fuck you think your doing," Lucas said with venom in his voice

"N-nothing, Just having fun right boys," the leader of the three said nervously as the other two boys agreed, hopping Lucas and the other three boys would believe them

"Having fun, so you're telling me," Lucas said as he opened an empty locker then grabbed the leader by his shirt and shoved him in the locker, as Paul and Noah grabbed the other two and easily stuffed them in the locker with their leader, then Lucas slamming the locker shut using the lock the bullies were going to use on Mason and Cory to lock them in the locker

" Your telling me being shoved in a locker is fun," Lucas said punching the locker

"Why are you helping them, they're nothing but faggot's," one of the bullies said

"So what, I'm bisexual, meaning I like guys and girls, if that means I'm a fagot then I'm proud to be a fagot," Lucas said then kicked the locker, then turned to the two boys and said "You two can trust us" then whispered "We're like you" then flashed his eyes at them causing them to flash their eyes back at him 

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